scene fourteen: cb97 and i.n

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"Are you excited, Innie?" Felix asked from where he was standing in Jeongin's hospital room. 

Jeongin was practically bouncing in his spot and Felix every so often needed to remind him to calm down.

"Very," Jeongin gushed, still bouncing in his excitement.

It was Jeongin's 18th birthday and ever since he woke up at 6:00AM--he was too excited to sleep--he had been a ball of nerves. 

He had no phone so he could not text or call Chan and he had no idea when Chan would be arriving. 

This was probably his most anticipated birthday yet. 

He was never very excited for his birthday as his parents and siblings were usually too busy to spend it with him and it felt just like another bleak day.

"Chan texted me saying that he's on his way," Felix said after checking his phone. Jeongin's smile noticeably grew bigger, if that's even possible, causing Felix to teasingly poke at his cheeks. "Aww Innie's excited to see his boyfriend?"

"He's not my boyfriend, hyung," Jeongin huffed, swatting Felix's hands away in embarrassment.

"Yet!" Felix added with a coy smile as he continued to poke at Jeongin.

"What's this about a boyfriend?"

Both Jeongin and Felix swiveled their heads toward the door in excitement, but their excitement dropped when they were met with the sight of Hyunjin leaning against the door frame, his hands behind his back.

"Oh," Felix mumbled. "It's just you."

"Hey! What did I do?" Hyunjin asked in mock offense as he did know whom the boys were truly waiting for.

"Nothing, hyung," Jeongin smiled and motioned for Hyunjin to step into the room. "What's up?"

"I stopped by to wish you a happy birthday, Innie," Hyunjin replied as he went to ruffle Jeongin's fluffy hair affectionately. "I got this for you."

Hyunjin pulled out a small bag from behind his back and handed it to Jeongin, whose eyes lit up immediately. 

He usually didn't get gifts on his birthday. Medicine, yes. Gifts, not so much.

"Wow, thank you, hyung!" Jeongin exclaimed as he took the bag with his frail hands.

"Open it!" Hyunjin eagerly told him and Jeongin complied as he was curious to see what this gift was. 

Jeongin carefully took a small box out of the bag, which was wrapped in decorative paper covered in pictures of little foxes, and Jeongin made sure to unwrap it carefully, not wanting to ruin the pretty wrapping paper.

The opened wrapping paper revealed a small blue jewelry box, and when Jeongin opened it, the box revealed a small gold necklace hiding within it.

Jeongin let out an audible gasp; he had never received something like that before.

"It's beautiful!" Jeongin exclaimed, looking up at Hyunjin with a wide grin. "I love it! Thank you so much, hyung!"

Hyunjin hugged him warmly and ruffled his brown locks affectionately.

"It was no big deal," Hyunjin said, returning his smile. "It's from Minho, Jisung, and I. They can't be here, but they say 'happy birthday to the only boy who can make Chan smile.'"

Jeongin blushed at his words, but nodded nonetheless.

"Tell them I say 'thank you,'" Jeongin responded, sticking to his polite manner.

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