scene nineteen: a small disagreement

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"You motherfuckers can't be serious."

Chan was frustrated. 

Very frustrated. 

Turns out a rival of his did not appreciate being beaten and sent people to beat up the man who bested him. 

Truth be told, Chan didn't really care, but he didn't have time for this shit.

He had visited Jeongin and that was what was on his mind at that moment.

"Boss isn't happy with ya," One of the three men, the pudgy one with only a circle of hair covering his shiny head, spat in slurs.

Probably drunk. Chan thought.

"Maybe he should race better," Chan suggested while glancing down at his watch to check the time. 18:00. 

Fuck, there were only 30 more minutes until visiting hours were over.

"There's nothing wrong with the way our boss races!" A squeaky man from the group piped up.

"Well he lost, dumbass," Chan rolled his eyes. "Any other theories?"

The guy, who Chan now dubbed Mickey Mouse, became immediately infuriated, his brows furrowing and his mouth puckering in fury, and swung at Chan.

Swiftly, Chan dodged, allowing the guy's hand to slam into the brick wall behind him. 

He cried out in pain, crimson blood dripping from his knuckles and staining the wall. 

Chan sighed, he guessed that wouldn't come out with just water and a rag.

The pudgy man now took a swing at him, but Chan once again dodged the blow, leaving him crying and clutching his injured fist along with his companion. 

Chan scoffed, thinking that his opponent should've at least sent men capable of fighting him. 

He was frankly a bit insulted.

It was now the last man of the bunch's turn to take a swing at him. 

He was definitely the strongest out of the bunch, but not as strong as Chan, that was for sure. 

He had mediocre muscles at best. 

He swung quickly, actually managing to clock Chan in the nose, but Chan managed to quickly return the favor with a punch to the jaw. 

Blood began to trickle down from his nose, but Chan paid no mind to it. 

The other man swung at him, only able to nick the side of Chan's face with one of his large gaudy rings, but Chan fought quickly, kicking him in the stomach and slamming him into the wall. 

The pudgy man and Mickey Mouse had already fled like cowards so Chan deemed his job to be done. 

His knuckles were still bloody and cut and red liquid was still pouring from his nose, but his concentration was on getting to the hospital on time.

He quickly ran from the small alley he was cornered in and climbed onto his motorcycle. 

He revved the engine hastily, not bothering to properly secure his helmet, and sped off into the busy streets of Seoul. 

He would have avoided the busy rush hour traffic, but of course those fools had to delay him. 

He'd have to remember to get Minho and Hyunjin to beat up that guy for him.

He soon pulled into the hospital's parking lot and ran through the automatic glass doors, Felix's head shooting up at his sudden entrance.

"Chan? Are you ok?" Felix asked in concern, rushing from behind the front desk to inspect Chan's bloody and bruised face.

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