chapter two

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chapter two | reckless revelations

"Girl, tell me what you're doing on the other side

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"Girl, tell me what you're doing on the other side. And tell, just tell me what you're doing with that other guy."

After a long night of patching up JJ's wounds - left to his own devices they would no doubt get infected - and a few days of watching the wayward Pogue like a hawk, making sure he didn't hatch up some ridiculous plan to get even with Rafe, Ana could finally relax. The group sat around the makeshift bonfire they had haphazardly built, beers in hand and watched as the sun started to set over the marsh.

"You've got to be kidding me?" Ana wailed dramatically as she threw her hands up in the air after hearing her phone ping, the gang where now well on their way to being totally wasted. "Where is all this bad Karma coming from?" "I mean you did sucker-punch Rafe in the face." "Pope!" everyone shouted collectively. "All I'm saying is that by the law of Karma the logical answer is that-" "Pope!" the gang chorused again. "You know what? You're right, he deserved it. I'll shut up now. Fuck Karma and fuck Rafe Cameron." They all laughed as Pope finally came to his senses.

"What's up, Sweetcheeks? Trouble in Kook paradise?" JJ questioned as he wiggled his brows at Ana. "Something like that," Ana pouted. "Ward and Rose have organised a dinner at Tanneyhill to talk business, and I'm guest of honour." Ana grumbled.

She hadn't heard from Rafe since Midsummers, not that she expected to, unless he decided to unleash a torrent of abuse on her voicemail, but for now it was radio silence. The way she liked it.

Ana also hadn't received a phone call from her father berating her for the explosive outburst that she played a large part in at the Island Club a few days prior. Looks like she was off the hook and still the apple of Jeff Stevens eye. Rafe was obviously too embarrassed to run and snitch to Ward that he had finally been put in his place by a girl who was half his size.

Rafe knew Ward would side with Ana anyway, no matter the circumstances. She wasn't even his daughter, but Anabelle still managed to garner more respect from the head of the Cameron household than he did, and the boy who should take pride of place in his father's heart resented her for it.


Ana had pulled up to Tanneyhill just after 4pm the next day. She stepped out of her beaten up Jeep in the smartest outfit she could rustle up, or at least borrow from Sarah at such short notice.

Smart clothes were severely lacking in the petite girl's closet, they weren't exactly a necessity when she was running around The Cut with the Pogues. A suit and heels didn't scream surfing attire.

Ana frowned at the thought of the inevitable lifestyle change she would have to adopt soon enough. This time next year Anabelle Stevens would be sitting behind her father's desk, but instead baring her name, continuing on the success of Cameron & Stevens Development.

A WASTED YEAR || rafe cameronWhere stories live. Discover now