"What the fuck are -", I was cut off when he pressed a finger underneath my bottom lip and he watched me curiously.

I didn't understand what was happening between us, or whatever you could call this. Yes, I like him but I do not really see him as my first kiss.

I wanted to go and have that with someone who actually loves me. Now he was forcing me to hate him more.

"You know, I hate seeing you with him. You met me first but...", he started to say, his voice not sounding the way that he would usually sound if he didn't speak with angers or sneers.

He sounded so normal it almost took me back. His voice was soft and quiet, calm and peaceful. In a few years that I had known him, I had never heard Jay speak so normally to me.

"And I'm not sure that I like it when you gives him so much attention", he then said quietly. He continued to watch me, but I didn't mind as much as the way he stared down at my lips.

Jay didn't seem to be angry, more curious and somehow confused.

He looked down at me, his dark eyes seeming to make a space for my heart, "I always hated you for being such a stick in the mud. Why can't I just ignored you?"

This was the moment I've been waiting for. Jake, we are officially turning the tide to the enemy.

"I'm sure you're just planning something to me. Is that right?", I asked, softening my voice.

Jay narrowed his eyes, but only for a millisecond. He shook his head before he brush his lips on mine, my will to be in control in loosening but it stopped as he got up quickly like someone lit him on fire.

He walked a few steps ahead of me as he passed his hands through his hair and tugging at it while cursing softly. And I am lying there, eyes round because I am still stuck on the reason I hadn't expected that.

He grunted before looking at me and kicked lightly on my rigid feet.

"Get up there, flat ass", he called out to me which I barely heard in my state.

Feeling quite embarassed, I get up by myself and dusted the back of my shirt. I looked around but couldn't understand why he brought me here to explain himself. There was a roof overhead the gates, like there was a house waiting for us.

"Why did you bring me here? In such a wrong place?", I asked, annoyed.

"Follow me", Jay said without sparing me a glance and walked towards a part of the barb wire where he climbed up to get onto the other side.

Is this where he will kill me, so no one would be around to see?, I think but I still followed him, leaving my bag on his motor.

"Shit!", I whined when I slid off in my climb and I felt a stabbing pain in my foot. Bringing my injured feet up, I held in my hands and cursed every creature in my head to see my shoes bores a brand new hole.

I even went as far let out pained cry to see one of my toe finger is bleeding through. As if hearing me, Jay stopped and quickly run before removing my shoes off my feet.

"How can you be so damn clumsy even here?", he said while inspecting the damage.

"It's not the time for that. Can't you see that I'm in pain, Jay?", I groaned while I sat on my butt and suffer.

"Would you stay still, idiot?", he let out a frustrated yell at my face.

"You didn't have to yell at me, asshole. Tell me, are we here for you to kill me instead?", I yelled back but listened to him, anyways.

Breaking The Bully ⚊ Enhypen JayWhere stories live. Discover now