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I shook my head at the thought of that outrageous flashback, surely it is not the most traumatizing thing happened to me, oh well its beyond than that. But I certainly don't like having my past replayed in my head.

I wore something comfortable and headed to sleep early, without dinner. I mean, if that flashback is your average dinner time here at this household, I can go to sleep with an empty stomach.

One thing about sleeping early, I can't. I always make my eyes tired so I can sleep, but it usually isn't healthy, but who cares. If I sleep beyond my will, I get nightmares that make no sense whatsoever. Usually at Hogwarts, it's rare, it's just at my home I get a lot.

I sighed and opened my eyes, staring at the ceiling above me.

And that was it, I couldn't sleep anymore, gosh I hate the fact that my sleeping schedule is so messed up. I took my phone out from the drawer I had placed it and called Julian.

No answer.

Then Adam.

"What" said his sleepy voice. "Its uh... 3 am, what do you want" he groaned.

"Want to go somewhere?" I asked coming straight to the point. There was silence for a while before he answered.

"Whatever" he said, it sounded like he was getting up.

"I would say you're the best but it would ruin my image...so where do you want to meet? I will sneak out and call you" I said.

"Great" he muttered, what sounded like he was putting on his zipper.

I hung up the call just when I got another one from Julian.

"Hey-" I said, when I was interrupted by her.

"He's sleeping" she replied, more like sniffed.

"Erm okay" I said.

"Why did you call him?"

"Just sneaking out"

"Great I will join, I need it" and without hearing me she hung the call.

Something about her is off.

I stood up from my bed, changing into something warm. With that, I opened my door and slowly get out.

Obviously I can't go through the main door, mum would kill me if I snuck out - according to her, the millionth time.

I checked the door that would let me out to the lawn, great its locked. I sighed and went upstairs.

Am I really going to jump from the window...not in a suicidal way but hey, what needs to happen has to happen.

But the front door seems less dangerous and I'm not the risk type but...

An idea entered my mind, oh I'm smart.

I walked down to the nearest balcony we have...can you call it that? I tried opening the door with my hands, no luck. "Alohomra" I muttered, uncertain that it would open with a basic charm. No luck either, I sighed and paced around.

I walked over to the other door, I tried sliding it open, it did. Thank Merlin. The security must have done a shitty job.

I walked over to the yard and stared at the compound wall, not my first time ever but not easy too I guess.

I caught hold one of the grey stone that stood out and raised my leg to the other one, slowly I reached to the top and jumped from the tall wall.

I smirked to myself as I landed perfectly.

I looked around for Adam, surely he wouldn't be here this early.

I saw down at one of the pavements and I heard a loud scream as  I rested my legs.

"What the hell" I yelled sliding my hands into my pocket in search of my wand, sure I could have used wandless magic but I'm still a 'noob' at it.

Shit, I couldn't find my wand, well better to defend myself than to search for it.

I stood up immediately. I made a fist with both of my hands, looking around closely.

"Merlins tits!" I heard Adam's voice.

I turned towards him, relaxing my muscles.

"What the hell were you doing down there!" I yelled.

He rolled his eyes. "I was just recording your funny stunt"

"First of all, it was not funny mate and second, you didn't have to hide!" I stated, running my hands through my hair.

"Alright alright" Adam muttered haughtily  looking at his watch.

"Let's go?" He asked.

"No wait" I said looking around, "Jen told she'll be here" I saw Adam smirking from the side of my eye.

Just then I felt warm hands close my eyes. I immediately took it off harshly. I know it is Jennifer.

"Stop this childish nonsense" I said glaring at her. The truth is I really liked it and I don't know why I did that. But its also really annoying.

She frowned and walked to Adam and muttered something.

I heard words like 'bad mood' 'same' 'must be his father'

I walked up to them. "Stop it, let's go for what we came for"

"I don't know...where shall we" Adam said.

"You two decide" I said and walked to the pavement to sit down, I looked under and around it, then sat. I heard Adam laughing.

"I know a place" Jen told with a huge mischievous smirk on her face.

"Where?" Me and Adam asked in unison.

"Somewhere muggle" she replied, I glanced slightly at her tired eyes. She didn't notice it, I shifted my glance to our mansion while Adam and Jen were talking.

"Let's just ride in bicycle each, until I tell you the place"

"And where are we going to get a freaking bicycle from"

"Accio will do it"

"I don't think its possible" I chimed in. I assume she's going to Accio it from her home? I looked behind her and saw her cycle.

"We're not going to ride in that" she rolled her eyes. "Accio skateboard" she pulled out her wand and yelled.

"No no" I said going close to her, the skateboard is in my room and it might as well break my window and cause a big fuss. "You don't understand-" I stopped in the middle as she laid a finger on my lips. I was quiet.

"A modifier" she told rotating her wand. "Doesn't break your window" she smirked.

"And" she started. "Accio scooter" she said and a red scooter appeared in front of Adam.

"Where the hell are you getting these things from?" I asked as I rose an eyebrow, Adam nodded.

"Nevermind, you" she said. "What are you waiting for? Get on it" she said and raced off the road.

"I want to marry her" Adam told sarcastically.

"Shut the fuck up" I scowled and started pushing my skateboard.

"Want me to get a bread for you jelly" he said with a grin.

"I'm not jealous" I stated coldly. "Where are we going anyway" I asked, following them.

"Some teen fun" said Jen with a wink.

"I hope teen fun doesn't mean sex" I grumbled.

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