"I wonder how old she is." I say mostly to myself. Replaying how she looked in my head over and over.

"Well, she looked like she was in her 20's but I would say mentally age 3-11"

"Hey! That's my soulmate your talking about."

"Oh come on, I was just reading what that says, Ages  3-11. And she was playing on it apparently!"

I laugh before standing up.

"Come on, let's get rose and walk around and hopefully bump into her again."

Scarlett nods before standing up herself.

I quickly shout a 'race you' before running to the slide that rose was about to go down.

You dont always have to act like an adult.🤷🏻‍♀️

Stephanie's POV-

Me, ollie and April were all at the mall.

I needed to get some last minute clothes for work, as some of my normal outfits are probably not appropriate to teach 6 and 7 year olds in.

After like 3 hours, we see a kids play structure.

Me and ollie look at each other before pushing our bags into April's arms and running towards it

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Me and ollie look at each other before pushing our bags into April's arms and running towards it.

"Guys your too big for that." April sighs. By the time she had got over to us, we were already taking our shoes off.

Ignoring her I start the long climb up to the tiger slide.

After a while of playing and messing around like kids, I go down the slide one last time before putting my shoes on.

"Lee, come on!" I shout up to her.

"Sj, I think I'm stuck." She shouts back.

"You're kidding right? And what have I said about calling me sj it sounds weird!"

We try to get her out for like 15 minutes.

"I'm going to get April, and while I do I'll see if I can find something online to help." Before she could even answer.

I climbed out of the play structure and pulled my shoes on once again.

I quickly walked over to April, not looking up from my phone.

"April, Ollie's got stuck on the kids play thingy.."  i says still not looking  up. "And I cant find out how to get her out."

I hear April sigh and I could tell she was rubbing her head, she always does when something like this happens.

Yeah this might not be the first time Ollie has got stuck in something.

"I told you that you guys are to big to play on it!"

"I'm not to big! I went down the slide! Ollie is the one that to big you, bit-" i cuts myself off when I finally look up to  see that  she isnt alone and is infact talking to people.

And them people just happen to be famous  and not just any celebs it had to be my celebrity crush!

"I uh- sorry.." my hand quickly goes to the back of my neck as I rub it nervously.

I quickly look at Elizabeth, my heart felt like it wa banging in my chest.

Scarlett just looked amused, while lizzie had no emotion at all.

"I.. april I'll see you over there, I'm going to get her unstuck." I says before running off.

I quickly throw off my shoes again and climb up and start pulling on her leg.

I just wanted to leave the mall before I embarrassed myself even more.

"Owww" ollie whined, but thankfully it got her lose and we climbed down.

I quickly threw my shoes on once again, April was now standing at the entrance waiting for us.

Once we were ready I rush them out the mall hoping, we wouldn't bump into the girls again.

But some shoes catch my eye, so I quickly run over to them.

I grab the right size and pay for them.

They were black vans, with a white strip and Rose's along the sides.

They were black vans, with a white strip and Rose's along the sides

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We quickly make it to the car putting everything in the boot.

I climb in to the driver's seat, put on my seatbelt and wait or the others yo get theirs on.

I start driving out of the car park, as I do I take a look at the entrance to the mall.

I can't believe I met Elizabeth Olsen! Let alone embarrassed myself infront of her.

1221 words

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