Part 4: under pressure

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Time skip 3 hours

I'm doing a one handed handstand push-ups while grand master yoda stands on top of my feet as I lift around large bolders with the force all the while blindfolded

Yoda: distractions you must not have, guide you the force will

He drops his cane and I keep it in the air with the force as I start to move the boulders around the courtyard

Windu: master yoda is this a bad time

Yoda: at all not

They start to have a discussion while I lift the boulders higher and higher into the air before I gently bring them down their original positions and I continue all of this as they talk which I make sure to block out as I shouldn't have any distractions but halfway through my third go through of this routine my body gives and I collapse to the ground making the boulders hit the ground with a loud smash. I wipe the sweet off of my forehead as I pant completely out of breath

Y/n: I'm sorry grand master yoda but what you are telling me to do is impossible

Yoda: to you it is, with training it won't be

He lifts the boulders and puts them into there original positions making me frown and look at the setting sun

Y/n: (thoughts) am I the right person for this power

After I think this I shake my head and walk back into the temple after bowing to the two masters and I walk into my room where I take off my robe and clothes before putting away my lightsaber and blaster so that I can have a nice relaxing warm shower

Ashoka: y/n you hear

I turn on the shower before I poke my head through the door

Y/n: I'm just going to have a quick shower be right out

POV darth drear

I stand before the bounty hunter's jail cell where I press a button opening it up to so I can walk into his cell

Dun: so you are who broke into the jail

Drear: I got more plans for you, you can't exactly be locked up yet

We exit his cell as alarms blare loudly and the alarms lights turn on with red before fading out only for them to turn back on again. I step over the body's of the guards that once guarded this prison

Guard: hands up!

I lift him into the air with a force choke and under my mask I smirk as he drops his blaster and claws at his throat trying to get air into his lungs but I just throw him as hard as I can to the side making a loud snap followed by the thud if his body falling to the floor

Drear: time to cause some havoc

We walk towards the control room killing any guards I see along the way. Once we make it to the control room I decapitate the clones controlling the prison and use the force to push them aside so that I can talk through the intercoms

POV 3rd person

Darth drear picks up the headset off of one of the decapitated clones before lifting up her mask so she can be clearly herd before she turns on the intercom

Drear: lady's gentleman and everyone in between today will be you lucky day as the clones of this facility have lost control of this place. I'll let you all out but only on one condition, you must raise hell now do as you wish

Darth drear powers down all the cell doors and instantaneously cheers and screams are herd through out the facility

Drear: time to go

Darth drear and dun walk through the facility as clones try to battle the rioting prisoners but they are soon over run by the hordes of ex prisoners kill the remaining guards taking over the prison

Time skip 1 day POV y/n

Anakin: you sure this is a good idea

I look at him and the training droid he made that specialises in hand to hand combat

Anakin: don't say I didn't worn you

He turns on the droid and we lock eyes before it charges towards me so I charge towards it. I try to throw a punch but the droid side steps me and grabs my wrist before throwing me into the ground but before it can punch me while I'm down I slide under its legs and push it to the ground and grab it in a headlock but it rolls into its back and starts hitting me against the ground as I wrap my legs around its legs

Droid: you have won

I let go of the droid as it stands up and walks towards Anakin before powering down

Anakin: don't you think you have been going a bit to hard since you've learned how powerful you are in the force

Y/n: if I want to be the best Jedi I can be this is what I have to sacrifice

I roll my shoulders and crack my neck before I get back into a fighting position

Y/n: can you bump up the difficulty

Anakin loudly sighs

Anakin: sure

Time skip 1 week

I'm meditating in my room reaching deep into the force for guidance on how I should train but instead of getting an answer to my question I hear an explosion followed by screams and I feel an excruciating heat across my body before my eyes widen

Y/n: great another vague force vision

Ashoka walks into my room and envelopes me in a hug and I of course hug her back as I peck her on the cheek

Ashoka: thank the force that that mission is over

I chuckle as she sits on my lap

Y/n: how was that prison breakout anyway

She groans rather loudly as she pushes her back against my chest

Ashoka: there were so many escapees and we couldn't even figure out who did it because all the security cameras were destroyed. It was just a mess

This makes me chuckle as I wrap my arms around her waist and pull her closer towards her making her giggle

Y/n: the temple has been tiring lately since the council has been training me even harder. I think the war is starting to get to them

Ashoka: I don't think there is anyone who hasn't been affected by the war

I hum in agreement as I lie my head on her lekku which is quite soft due to it being made of mostly fat

Y/n: I've missed you

Ashoka giggles before patting my head and running her fingers through my hair

Ashoka: I've missed you too

(End of chapter hope y'all enjoyed word count 1726)

The lost Jedi (Male reader x Ahsoka Tano)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ