"Look he's mad at me" Hope pouts. "Great, now every time you see him, you'll remember that I'm madly in love with you," Josie says with a smile from ear to ear. "Hmm, you're right. Now can you write on his tummy 'J.S. Is madly in love with me and I have proof of it -HM' please" Hope asks Josie, who uses magic to do it without anyone noticing.

"There, perfect" Josie says as she finishes. "Like you" Hope blurts out and they both blush.
Hope and Josie were sitting on a bench while eating fries, drinking blue raspberry slushies, and talking about the stars.

"Babe, Look at that one" Josie says pointing at a big star. "The stars are beautiful... I wish I could fly and be able to reach them" Josie says and sighs. "I'd say the same thing but I already reached the most beautiful star," Hope says while looking at Josie's eyes and smiling. "in your dreams" Josie jokes. "My dreams and real-life too" Hope confess.

"Hmm, really and have I seen this star before" Josie ask raising an eyebrow. "I'm sure you have... you see this star is something different... someone different, tall brunette with the brightest and most beautiful smile in the whole world, is even more beautiful because of these 2 really adorable pouty lips. She's the greatest, kindest, sweetest person I'll ever meet. She's the most beautiful person, inside and out and she makes my life so much better, she's my light in the darkness" Hope says while looking at Josie in the eyes, and Josie can't help but smile. "She sounds awesome," Josie says with a smile from ear to ear. "She is and you know what's the best part," Hope asks. "No, what is it" Josie ask curiously. "She's my soulmate" Hope whispers loudly. "She must be a lucky girl," Josie says with a smirk. "No, I'm the lucky one," Hope tells the brunette and kisses her cheek, and hugs her tightly. The only thing they could think about is how bad they wanted to kiss each other.
"Talking about stars, there's a shoot-out-the-star' game," Josie tells Hope. "Wow that's a coincidence," Hope says. "Maybe is destiny," Josie tells her with a grin. "Why would destiny want us to go to a shooting game on a fair" Hope ask with a raised eyebrow. "Maybe it wants you to lose against me," Josie says with a smirk.

"Hmmmm, just like you lost the bet against me," Hope says with a teasing smile. "Haha... mhm yeah, whatever... let's go," Josie says grabbing Hope's hand and pulling her towards the shooting booth or whatever.

They pay for the game and then Hope grabs the fake gun. "C'mon Hopes... you can do it," Josie tells Hope teasingly trying to make her fail.

Hope loses the first 2 shots and Josie's smiling from ear to ear, knowing her... No matter what they do, she might lose.

"Ready to lose, Josette" Hope asks with a smirk. "Uh no but I'm ready to see how you lose," Josie tells her copying her smirk.

Surprisingly Hope shoots the star without even looking at it, Josie's face immediately grows with sadness and a pout.

"Oh babe, don't be sad... you can choose a reward," Hope tells Josie, who immediately smiles again.

"You can choose any stuffed animal that you want" The old man, who is in charge says. Josie looks around and her eyes immediately fall on a cute little panda.

 Josie looks around and her eyes immediately fall on a cute little panda

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"Can I have the little panda over there" Josie ask. "Here," the old man says handing the little panda to Josie. "Thanks," Josie says with a smile, and she and Hope start walking again.

"So, why the little panda" Hope asks. "It brings up really good memories," Josie says while smiling. "Oh, I remember," Hope says smiling too. "It would be a shame if you didn't," Josie tells her. "Yeah... I still remember every single second of that day. It would be impossible to forget, and Lizzie would actually kill me if I did" Hope says while giggling. "Yeah, mostly because it was our birthday," Josie says. "Yeah... I remember that Jax didn't want to do it because he looked stupid in the panda costume but still did it for Lizzie" Hope says. "He was a simp... and he still is," Josie tells her and they both giggle. "Yeah I mean who wouldn't be a simp for the Saltzman twins" Hope blurts out and blushes. "You're cute when you blush," Josie tells her and kisses her cheek making her blush even more.

"You know that wasn't the only reason why I picked the panda," Josie tells tomato Hope. "A-and why else did you pick it" Hope ask. "They are adorable, cute, and cuddly... they remind me of you" Josie admits with a blush, and Hope blushes even more than before.

Josie then writes something in the Panda's tummy but makes sure not to ruin its fur. "What did you write" Hope ask with curiosity. Josie shows her and she reads it out loud. 'H.M. loves me and she can't deny it -J.S.' Hope reads and then smiles. "Of course I do and I'd never deny it," Hope tells the brunette and Josie tries to hide her blush. "You promise," Josie says. "I promise," Hope tells and then hugs her.

"Can we go to the bumpers cars or whatever they are called" Josie ask. "Hmm why... you think you'll be able to beat me on that game" Hope asks teasingly. "I sure will, Mikaelson #1" Josie pauses. "Wait, that's funny since you're going to lose" Josie teasingly.
"And that's how we got here," Hope and Josie say with a smile. Jax and Lizzie just look at each other and smile too.

Hey y'all, I created this story because I wanted a story where Hope and Josie are meant to be and they are happy, so that's why this chapter exists. In my story, Hope and Josie are adorable with each other and I'm gonna focus on that and Jax and Lizzie too but mostly on Hosie.

Have a good one guys, I really hope you liked it.

Lots of love.

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