C16-{~The Fair is a Fun Place~}

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*Penelope's POV*

As always the lovebirds decided to make one of their disappearances... I'm not mad, I actually love to see them happy. They are my best friends, together with Jed, Mg, and Kaleb. I don't feel alone, ever since the super squad started. Even when I have problems with my parents, they are always there for me. But this is not the point, we are on the fair. The fair is a fun place if you have the right company and I have Kaleb and Mg, so yeah it is fun.

We've been messing around. When we started looking around Mg and Kaleb found a dance machine and of course, they decided to compete against each other. Sadly for Mg, Kaleb won this time.

We are looking for something to buy when MG says something.

"Hey guys, don't you think Landon and Rafael act weird. Don't get me wrong, they seem normal but there's something about them that... Idk is just weird" Mg finished saying.

Of course, I've noticed. The other day I saw Landon in the library acting really weird like he didn't want anyone to see him but I just let it slide.

*Kaleb's POV*

Hearing as Mg says that, it actually makes sense. Now I know I'm not the only one. They both act weird, I mean the other day, they seem like they were fighting about something. I couldn't hear because even if I have a vampire hearing they were way too far, I decided that I was going to ask them but just when I started to walk towards them, they acted like they weren't fighting at all.

"Now that you say it, they do act weird. The other day I saw Raf flashing his gold eyes to Landon. I don't know why but when I ask them, they acted like nothing happen" Jed says. That sounds familiar.

"That sounds weird, I kinda saw the same but they were arguing. When I started walking towards them they started laughing. When I asked they acted awkwardly and denied what I saw" I tell them. It's weird.

"We should keep an eye on them. They are new and I still don't trust them and I'm sure the twins would agree with us" Penelope says and we just nod.

"Anyway, why don't we go to the rollercoaster," I ask, yes there's a rollercoaster guys.

"Yesss," Penelope says. She's been wanting to go on a ride since we got here.

*Mg's POV*

Let's say that the rollercoaster wasn't the greatest of the ideas. Penny puked all over my shoes. Now I'm gonna have to throw them or wash them 'til the world ends. Yeah, maybe I'm exaggerating. Well anyway, we then decided to go and get a ride on a big ship, I know that wasn't a great idea either.

Ever since the conversation about Landon and Raf ended I haven't been able to get it out of my mind. I'm not someone who likes to talk shit about others but these guys are really weird. Landon thinks he's some kind of hod just because he can't die. The other day I heard him say that he was going to get Hope to like him and that it didn't matter if he has to kill someone.

I know Josie can kick his ass, if she wanted to but I can't help but feel worried. We don't know who this guy is or what he wants. Dr is either too stupid to notice or he just doesn't want to realize.

*Jed's POV*

Hey, my name's Jed Park. I know some of you might know me already but an introduction won't hurt.

After the ride on the big ship, we decided to, well first go to the bathroom because Penny was a total mess. I don't even know why we let her get into a second ride when she puked after the first one. After the first ride, she puked all over Mg's shoes and Kaleb almost puked after watching her do it, I was laughing my ass off. Mg's face was priceless when he realized what had just happened.

After going to the bathroom, we decided to come to a place to eat. Because after Penelope made us walk 45 straight, that's ironic I know. Who wouldn't be hungry, I mean I'm a wolf we need to eat a lot.

The whole night I couldn't help but stare at Kaleb, I don't is just something about him, I can't help myself. I think I'm developing feelings for him but I don't know, I just don't want to get rejected and I'm not even sure if I'm gay or not.

*Muppet/Fire chicken/thrift store hobbit's POV*

My plan is as clear as glass, I want to kill Josie and have Hope all for myself. She doesn't realize that I'm the one for her, so I'll have to make her realize it. My father has been in touch with me. I found him I few months before going to The Salvatore School. He told me that I could ask for anything that I wanted and I want Hope.

Josie, Lizzie, and her twin are the only thing stopping her from loving me I know it and I'm gonna change that. A woman is helping my father. A witch, she's kinda old but my father says she's been living for a thousand years and he told me she's going to help us. I don't know why I need help to make Hope mine but I'll accept any help I can get.

*Raf's POV*

I am enjoying the fair. Is good to have friends, you know. Growing up in foster houses didn't allow me to do that, that's why Landon was my only friend and I use to follow him blindly. But I know that he's gonna screw this up for both of us and I really don't want him. I'm getting used to having friends, this makes me happy. But his obsession with Hope is gonna ruin everything.

His father made him a million promises if he found 3 keys to make him free but I know that he's only using Landon. This is not gonna end well for Landon and I'm not helping him anymore. I like to have friends and I won't lose this new opportunity just because he has trouble accepting a no for an answer.

I only act like a dick because I like Josie but I understand that she's with Hope, but my anger issues don't help a lot.

I need to stop Landon somehow before he hurt others.

*No one's POV*

Mg, Jed, Kaleb, and Penelope finished eating and decided that it was a good time to go find the rest of their friends.

Raf decided to walk away from Landon after Landon started talking shit again and he found Mg and the other, well except the twins. No one knew where Landon was and no one really cared.

Hey y'all, as I said yesterday I've been really stressed out. I haven't been able to get my mind off things, writing helps me but sometimes my mind just blocks. I'm improving some chapters and making new ones just to make the story more interesting.

Someone asked for the other's POVs and I don't mind doing their povs anyway. My mind worked well today and I made this chapter. I hope you guys liked it. Let me know if you want more POVs.

Who do you think is the witch that is helping Malivore?! Do you really think Malivore is gonna help Landon or he's just tricking him.

Sorry for grammar mistakes y'all. Also, I might update the cast and put more pictures of the chapters so I'll update when I do that just to let you know. I'm gonna change some characters and others will have a major personal growth like Alaric.

Have a good one guys, I'll really try to update but I can't make promises.

Take care, lots of love ❤️


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