C11-{~Small Chat~}

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*Hope and Josie*

Freya and the girls arrive at the office and they find themselves in front of Alaric and Care who are worried.

"Can someone explain what was that all about?" Ric says with a worried look. "Girls would you like to tell Ric and Care why the school is almost destroyed," Freya says.

"Do we have to?" Josie asked. "Yes, now go ahead" Freya demands. "Ok, ok," Hope says. "We broke aunt Freya's rule" Josie whispers. Caroline's eyes go wide open. "Pardon," Alaric says with a serious voice. "I kissed Hope and broke aunt Freya's rule," Josie says a little louder. Alaric grabs a glass of bourbon and sits.

"So, you're telling me that the school is almost ashes because you couldn't" Hope cuts him off. "Yes, Dr.S," Hope says. "Guys, you knew what would happen," Caroline says. "Yes, mom but I couldn't help it," Josie says. "Why not?" Care ask. Josie and Hope just look at each other and blush. "I think they said 'THE' word" Freya finally says. "Yes, thank god it took so long," Caroline says excitedly. "You owe me," Caroline tells Ric. "You don't even know who said it first" Ric argues. "Ok, stop fighting and I think it was Hope," Freya says. "No, she wasn't" Josie quickly says. Care just pull out her hand and Ric puts 20 in it.

"Soo... are we in trouble," Hope asks. Ric and Care look at each other and say. "No, you're not" in unison. "But guys you have to be careful," Care says.

"Yeah, I don't think we have to worry about that" Freya says. "What do you mean," Ric asks. "I found the spell to break, whatever is happening to them," Freya says. "Really" both Hope and Josie ask. "Yes, really," Freya says.

"Jax told me that you guys are going to the beach," Freya says. "I didn't know about that" Hope says looking at Josie. "Me neither," Josie says. "Jax must've forgotten to tell you about it. But I think the beach is the best place where you can do the spell" Freya says. "Ok, so which is the spell," Hope asks. "I'll give it to you Friday in the afternoon just before you leave," Freya says.

"So, why can't we do it here" Josie ask. "Because it's not safe. We don't know what could happen after the spell is done" Freya says. "Ok, we should go talk to Jax about the trip then," Hope says. "Ok, don't kiss again. At least not until this is done" Care says. "Yes mom, bye auntie Freya, bye dad" "buy auntie care. Bye auntie Freya, bye Ric" Hope and Josie say walking out of the office. "Bye girls," the three adults say.

"Do you think it's gonna work?" Caroline says. "Yeah, the spell is supposed to break...whatever is happening with them. But I'll talk to Jax and Lizzie just in case something goes wrong" Freya says. "That sounds great," Ric says. "Do you know where they're gonna stay when they get to the beach?" Ric asks. "I think they are gonna stay at the beach house, where we used to take them when they were kids," Freya says. "Oh, right. At least that's a safe place" Ric says and Freya and Care just nod.

Hope and Josie are walking together, looking for the squad.

"So, you love me" Hope ask. "Pretty much," Josie says and looks at her. "I can't believe you thought I liked Landon," Hope says and they stop walking. "Ok, first off, your friend-zoned me. Secondly, you didn't even try to talk to me after THE talk even when you knew it hurt, all you did was talk to Landon the entire time. Thirdly you guys kissed and I know he kissed you without consent but that doesn't mean that it hurt any less" Josie says looking right into Hope's eyes.

Hope walks closer to her. Too close if we're being honest. "Jo I know that what I asked hurt you and I did want to talk to you but then Landon showed up and I was trying to be nice. Also, I tried to talk to you afterward but you avoided me" Hope says holding Josie's hand in her own.

"Hope, ok put it this way. How would you react if I tell you that I just want to be your friend" Josie ask. "Well, I would say that you're lying because we both know that's not true" Hope teases. "Hope I'm being serious," Josie says. "Ok, ok. I would be sad because I don't want to be just a friend to you" Hope says. "Ok, and now how would you react if you saw me. Let me see" Josie pauses "kissing Maya" Josie blurts out and Hope's eyes start to glow.

"Did you really have to bring her up" Hope ask with her eyes glowing. "Yes, I had because now you get my point, and trust me, it would hurt even more if it actually happened," Josie says and Hope's eyes stop glowing. "Yeah, Jo I know and I'm sorry but it wasn't my fault I was drunk and he took advantage of that" Hope says and decides to put Josie closer grabbing her by the waist. "Yes and Imma make him suffer for that" Josie says and tries to move but Hope stops her.

"No, you have to promise not to go all dark on him, Josie" Hope says. "Why do you care about not hurting him," Josie asks annoyed."I don't care I would kill him but that doesn't make us better" Hope says. "Well, I'm not better Hope. When I think about you two kissing all I want to do is burn him alive" Josie says. "Just like the others girls," Hope says and chuckles a little. "Yeah, just like that" Josie says with an evil smirk. "Baby, don't be so jealous" Hope blurts out and Josie blushes. "Hmm, baby?" Josie kinda asks. "Yeah, you're my baby, even if we're not officially dating," Hope says.

Josie is kinda failing in keeping herself away from Hope but just when they are about to kiss, Jax and the super squad arrive.

"NO KISSING" Jax yells. Hope and Josie jump apart and look at the Squad. Landon and Ralf look mad.

"Shit Jax you scare the shit out of me," Josie says. "And me" Hope adds. "Yeah, well you guys aren't supposed to kiss," Jax says. "We weren't kissing" Hope defensively says. "You were like one inch apart," Penelope says. "Yeah, that doesn't mean we were gonna kiss," Josie says. "Of course it does. Look guys you'll be able to make out when we get to the beach" Lizzie says. "You talked to aunt Freya already" Hope ask. "Yes we bumped into her, so she told us. Well me and Jax" Lizzie says.

"Well, we should talk about the trip," Hope says and they all nod.

Here's the new chapter, hope you guys like it.

Also, I'm so sorry guys but I'll have to add Malivore. I know y'all hate Malivore and trust me I do too. But I have an idea in mind and I really think you guys are gonna like it or maybe you'll hate me for a bit but trust me it'll be worth it.

Also, I'm gonna try to update at least 3 or 4 times per week. Let me know if you guys have some ideas for this story that you want me to use or something and I'll do it. Thanks for reading and I hope you guys have a good one.

Lots of love ❤️

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