Chapter 27

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My door opened,
Sam said" Buddy?" I chomped on the chocolate bar I had," Have you even had anything... normal to eat yet?"
I mumbled" Definition, please?"
" Of eggs or leftovers."
" You wish."
" How about we stow on the candy, huh?" He tried to take the chocolate bar away from me, I tightened my hold,
" Do you wanna die again... for like the millionth time, because I am capable of doing that?" He scoffed, chuckling, giving up,
" If you get ready and go on a case with us, I'll buy you toast sticks."
" And you've pursued me." I got up, grabbing my bag, and stuffing clothes and stuff into it,
" If I only see one pair of underwear, I will take all your money away."
" I get it from Dean!" Then I heard Dean walking, uh-oh.
Dean said" Get what from me?"
" Your packing skills!" I covered my mouth,
" I say we leave him here to take care of Kevin." I squinted my eyes at him,
Sam said" He'd kill Kevin, he's going."

I leaned up to Sam's ear,
I whispered" 10 says Dean's gonna freak because an animal's dead eyes are staring at him."
Sam whispered" 10 says he doesn't."
" Deal."
" Deal."
Dean said" What're you two whispering about?"
Sam said" Nothing."

They came back to the car, Sam pulled out his wallet and gave me a 10, I smirked, laughing.
Dean said" Did I miss a bet?"
Sam said" I swear he knows you better than I know you sometimes."
" Oh, the bet was on me?"
" He placed it. Said you'd get freaked by the taxidermy... he won."
" Ha, that's my boy!"

We were in a motel room,
Sam said" Okay, uh, that... symbol in the graffiti, it's... not Wiccan. It's copywritten. Local animal-rights group, Enid's answer to PETA."
Dean said" SNART? You got to be kidding me."
" Well, it makes sense that an animal-rights group would have an axe to grind with a taxidermist."
" Why? The animal's already dead."
" Yeah, but hunters are what keep them in business. Now the question is, are those bleeding hearts actually witches or just hippies?"
" What's the difference?"
I said" We kill one but not the other." I shrugged as they both looked at me, I smiled." What? I pay attention sometimes."

They went to some vegan bakery, now they're back and Sam looked something up.
Dean said" Necrosis?"
Sam said" Premature death of tissues- That's why their eyes were all messed up. And it's not caused by mace."
" All right. What caused it?"
" Right here. Blunt force, radiation, venom."
" As in snake?"
" The taxidermist was constricted. Olivia and Dylan heard hissing, and they were sprayed in the eyes."
" By venom."
" By venom."
" Okay, so... what are we talking here, some sort of a freaky ass snake monster?"
" Maybe. The weird thing is snakes either envenomate or constrict. No snake does both."
" Correction- freaky ass mega-snake monster."
" It could be a vetala."
" Yeah, but they're not afraid to sink their fangs in. Taxidermist was bite-free. It doesn't really fit the profile."
" Right. So..."
" So, call Kevin. Have him look some stuff up."
They brought a dog back from the second murder scene, I was sitting on the floor, the dog, Colonel, was on top of me.
Dean said" An Inuit spell."
Sam said" Who knew the, uh, men of letters had its own eskimo section?"
" And it's supposed to let us communicate with the Colonel?" Sam picked a piece of hair from the Colonel,
" Yeah, well... that's the plan. Kevin said it's like a sort of a human/animal mind meld."
" Meaning?"
" If it works, we should be able to read the Colonel's thoughts." Sam poured the stuff into a cup,
" All right, I'll do it. You-You got enough on your plate."
" Like what?"
" Uh, like... you're tired. You're on the mend. Okay? Plus, you-you've got a sensitive stomach. Last thing we need is you chucking this stuff up. Huh?" Sam scoffed." Doesn't look so bad." He took it down," I was wrong. Come on." Coughing a little," Ha! Deila hér me. Dag eru nokkrar vitur orum. All right. Let's get this party started. Tell me everything you know." The Colonel yawned," What's the matter? Cat got your tongue?" He chuckled," Tough crowd." The colonel barked, Dean shook his head.

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