3. Magic school

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It had been a long day, there had been a lot of speeches and explanations (of which Merlin forgot most of, he would just ask Gwen or Elyan) but at least the food was alright.

After dinner he was expected in another part of the school, a part which most of the students who attend here probably don't even know of, which turned out to be a bit of a problem, since Merlin wasn't able to ask anyone how to get in to the south tower or why he had to get there.

He didn't even know where south was!

Clueless where to go he stood alone in the entrance hall, most students had returned to their rooms to unpack their stuff right after dinner and Merlin would have loved to do that as well. The sleep he had gotten in the train hadn't been to comfortable.

„You must be Merlin." A voice came from behind him, Merlin spins around in surprise. In front of him stood a boy which seemed to be a grade under him, his curly hair black as well and his eyes a piercing blue that send shivers down his spine, despite him being younger than him, he gave him that strange need to summon up just a bit of his magic in case he had to defend himself.

He was, similar to Morgana, dressed in dark colors, his hoody hoodie dark green in which pockets he hid his hands and simple black jeans but, different from Morgana, it probably was to draw less attention to him. And just like Morgana, this guy scared him.

„I am, and you are." Merlin asked, trying not to yell at the other, even though deep inside him he felt an anger boiling up that was stronger than anything he had ever felt before. Making his muscles tense and his mind go almost numb.

„Mordred." The boy smiled, almost kind „I suppose you look for the magic lessons." Mordreds voice said, but his lips don't move and instead of echoing in the empty hall, his voice echoes through Merlins head.

Merlin just nods as an answer, he didn't wan't to admit that he doesn't know how to reply with the telepathy thing Mordred had done to him. Maybe it's like levitating things and he would just need to concentrate enough but he didn't want to try that now and fail in front of him.

„Well, lucky for you I know where to go." Merlin didn't trust this smile, but also didn't wan't to be late for his first day „Follow me." So Merlin did, wary, and ready to defend himself any time.

„Technically you could go through this maze of a school to get there but there is a shorter, less annoying way." He explains while opening the front door and immediately going left, off the road. After a few meters of walking he stopped and looked around, there still where a few students chatting on the yard but none of them paid attention to the two sorcerers. „Watch." He said and whispered something in a language Merlin had never heard before and yet didn't sound strange. The solid wall suddenly got a strange look Merlin couldn't quiet explain, it moved like a liquid but whenever he tried to focus on it it stopped and went back to the solid rock it had been before.

Mordred waved with his hand, symbolizing Merlin to go through and so he did, everything felt cold for a second, like water surrounding him without him getting wet, he went another step and the feeling disappeared. He almost stumbled and fell, the odd wall-portal, had led him straight on a dark staircase, only lighted by a few torches on the way down.

Merlin looked around as he saw first Mordreds head appear trough the wall, then the rest of his body (Merlin should have done this, maybe his entrance would have looked less clumsy). „Don't tell Gaius I did this, he doesn't like it when I use obvious magic on the school grounds."

He followed the other further down the tower, if Merlin didn't know better he would have been scared that he was about to be murdered any second now but before he could think of turning around they reached a door, tall and heavy out of wood with a giant (open) lock, it fit well in it's environment.

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