Hammy x Bob The Fish final part

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Everyone gathered around Rj for his instructions. Turns out it was freestyle Friday, so we could heist wherever we wanted. We came to a decision to heist Gordon Ramsey's estate. Hammy ran with me tightly gripped in his hand, breaking my fish bone. Verne, despite his missing neck, ran towards the house faster than squirrel! Using my fishtinsgs, I could tell the wrinkly man was in the house making a below par grilled cheese. He was enjoying how the spice of the pepper berry complimented the acidity of the kimchi. Hammy then kicked me through the window. I blushed, ignoring the glass shards impaling my toes. Accidentally, I kicked Verne! The glass shards entered Verne's mouth, causing his death! I entered Ramsey's grilled cheese, but slipped out of the cheese just before he took a bite! Unfortunately for me, he noticed there was a fish dropping from the cheese.

"Who ordered fish?" I croaked. Slapping his knee with great strength.

"Crikey mate, you bloody doughnut!" He slapped his knee with anger. Looks like a battle's cooking up! As I distracted Ramsey, Rj stole his fridge with his amazing biceps and 36-pack abs. Right before he could toss the fridge into the hedge I landed on the fridge. My 1 ounce body was too heavy for Rj, so the fridge dropped onto Verne's corpse. Rj didn't see Verne's dead body.

"What the heck Bob!" Rj yelled!"

An attractive foot kicked me into Gordon Ramsey's eye, killing him instantly. His foot gave one last kick. The air blew us all back into the hedge.

My legs broke from the force of landing, so my head hit the grass, snapping my skull.

Rj landed on me, breaking my nose, I didn't need it though, I lost my sense of smell years ago. The handsome squirrel landed next to me. Verne, however didn't land anywhere.

"What the heck was that!" Rj yelled.

I looked to the ground, snapping my neck.

"I'm sorry Rj..."

"We should've never let you over the hedge!"

I gasped, giving me an asthma attack, and an anxiety attack, and a heart attack, making me want to attack!

I tried with all my might to attack, but failed. Suddenly it all faded to black.

I woke up to someone trying to shake me awake. It was squidward.

"Squirrel?" I questioned.

"Aw I thought you were dead, too bad!" He screamed, snorting his cocaine. He pulled out an AK.

"Guess we have to change that!" I blushed at the physcopath.

"Squirrel... before you shoot... I-I have to tell you something!"

"Better be quick, I'm autistic!"

"Squirrel, I-i love you!"

"Let's get married!" Hammy screamed into my now broken eardrums.

"Okay!" I yelled.

As we were saying our vows, I lightly tapped hammy!

"Why did you hit me!?" Hammy cried.

Stricken with grief I said something that would change my life forever.

"I killed Verne!"

Gasps filled the mouths of the audience.

"You killed my one true love!" Rj yelled. "I'll never forgive you!"

Before he could kill me, Hammy kicked me into the ocean, while simultaneously kicking himself.

It's been months since the incident, I'm living in the ocean, and Hammy steals from the hedge to get us food. We have three kids and I'm finally in good health. Suddenly, i died.

The end

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