Hammy x bob the fish

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Btw you shouldn't read this if you don't like jokes about mental illness.

I never knew my parents, they were never there for me. Fish never knew their parents. They would lay the eggs and swim back downstream to go to work, then die. I lay on the hot sand, taking in the hot summer sun. I felt my scales burn. "Ow" I said calmly. I thought about how hot I was as I felt my vision blur. I saw a bright light in my eyes. My throat drying by the second. A crazy squirrel ran up to me invading my thoughts. "What the?" I said before getting kicked by said squirrel. "AH!" I yelled as the squirrel continued to kick me before kicking me into the water. I felt a wave of refreshment wash over me as the ocean consumed me. My vision slowly came back as I peeked at the squirrel who kicked me into the water. I saw beautiful green eyes and a gorgeously terrifying smile. I blushed, taking in the form standing before me. "Haha! I'm autistic!" The squirrel yelled. Despite the cool water my face felt warm.

"H-hello squirrel" I blubbed.

"I'm Hammy, I'm just nuts!" He exclaimed.

I saw a raccoon chasing after the squirrel, followed by an atrocious monstrous looking green thing with a shell.

"Hammy, are you kicking fish again?" The raccoon scolded.

"You need to stop kicking fish!" The thing said.

"What's a fish?!" The squirrel questioned.

"Anyways," Rj continued. "I brought Deetos and Creme Betweens, but the Spuddies are for me!" He opened the bag of Deetos, but one came flying in my direction!

Using my quick thinking, I jumped onto the land to catch the Deeto.

As soon as I landed the squirrel kicked me back into the water.

"Hammy stop!" The thing yelled.

"You're next" The squirrel said with a crazy look in his eyes. He was so kawaii!

"Um, hello..." i uttered.

"I'll kill you." Hammy retorted.

"Don't kill the fish, Hammy." The thing said.

"Why?" He said, ready to deliver he final blow.

"You know, because!" The raccoon reasoned.


The raccoon took my fin and helped me out of the water. I couldn't breathe all of the sudden.

Guess squirrel took my breath away.

"I'm Rj, this is Verne, and this is Hammy."

"Who's Hammy?" I asked trying to ignore the burning in my lungs and my dwindling pulse.

"You know, the squirrel."

"Oh, the squirrel..." I got flustered just thinking about the autistic creature.

"I'll kill you when I get the chance!"

"What a jokester!" Rj said. They continued talking but I couldn't hear them, their voices were fading out.

"Tell squirrel I love him..." I uttered. Before my vision faded I saw the squirrel try to kick me once more before my end. How sweet.

I slowly opened my eyes to see Rj holding the squirrel back.

I was alive!

I looked around and saw multiple creatures surrounding me, but only the squirrel was important. I wish he was my dad.

I worked up the courage to talk to him.

"Hey squirrel..."

"I'm Hammy!"

"Hey squirrel..."

"I never got to know my parents..." I started crying, hoping he'd understand.

"Me neither." The squirrel uttered.

He stopped trying to kick me, so Rj let go of him.

"Alright let's start the next heist!" Rj announced.

"Oh man, I was known for being good at heists, I always got the most food, and never got caught once." I bragged.

Everyone looked impressed including Rj.

"Wow, maybe then you should take control of the next heist!" He said grabbing me out of the water. I was so exited I couldn't breathe. I actually couldn't breathe I'm dying.

Before I knew it, it was time to start the heist.

"Alright so Heather hack into the laser system." Rj instructed.

"I'm on it!" She exclaimed making her way to the house.

"Porcupine family, you do nothing because you're useless!"

"Jeepers, he's right!" The sound of kids crying filled me with joy, something me and the squirrel had in common.

"Ozzie, you go have a heart attack."

"On it!" He said with his last breath.

"Stella, just go do something else!"

Before she could respond she died due to a car accident.

"Verne, Bob, Hammy, and I will grab the food! Are you ready for the time of your life, Bob!

With every drop of my power I nodded my head, trying not to pass out.

"Alright, lets go!"

They ran for the house, I thought they left me behind, but the squirrel gave me a powerful kick to launch me through the roof of the house.

I blushed as my soul left and reentered my body.

I crashed through the roof and landed on the kitchen floor, breaking my back in the process, I lost my sight due to shock and forgot how to breathe. I rolled to where the fridge was. But I touched Rj's fur instead.

"Alright, I'll-" I temporarily lost my hearing as Rj talked. I suddenly got crushed by an ice cream carton. I tried to scream but the container muffled my yelps for help.

A few minutes later I heard Rj yell at me.

"Why aren't you carrying the food to the wagon!?"

He picked up the ice cream carton.

I tried to tell him why, but I spoke in Japanese.

I heard footsteps down the stairs.

"Oh no, we need to get out of here!" Verne yelled.

"We need to get the Spuddies!" Rj replied.

"I got it" I said.

I rolled to the Spuddies, and grabbed it in my fin. I threw it with all my might.

The Spuddies fell to the floor and chips spilled everywhere.

"The Spuddies!" Rj looked at me with anger and heartbreak in his eyes.

"A fish is on my countertop!" The woman yelled on a phone.

Before my vision faded I saw a familiar foot kick me back into the hedge. I blushed as I saw everyone run for the hedge.

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