Part 11: Unwelcome

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Dane POV

It's been three days since I've played piano for Imogen. Since then, she's been avoiding me and Mila like the plague.

All I remember is waking up on the floor, and when I finally found her she was asleep in the guest bed.

Right now I'm catching up on some of my classwork at the kitchen table. Law school is full of memorization and practicality, so sometimes it's mentally exhausting.

I'm so focused on one of the questions that I almost don't notice Imogen walk into the kitchen and start exploring the fridge. She's crouching on the tile floor searching through the snack shelf.

Should I say something?

She stands up and closes the fridge, holding a honey-crisp apple in her left hand. She takes a bite of it and starts to leave.

My phone buzzes and she turns to look at it. I get up to check it and catch a look of fear flash across her eyes. She looks up and starts to scream.

I whip my head back and forth between where she's looking and her horrified expression. "What's wrong?!"

"There's a huge bug in there! Kill it!" She yells, pointing towards the general area. I grab one of Mila's magazines and roll it up, moving into the living room to find the insect.

Imogen's POV

Dane starts looking around in the living room and I pick up his phone, opening the message.

Saw you at the lecture hall yesterday. Your scar was showing, perhaps I can fix it for you?

Don't ignore me like last time.

The same number that texted him at the restaurant. Once again, I quickly delete the message.

Dear god, why is it so difficult to tell him?

"I can't find it," he calls from the living room. I quickly put his phone back in the marble counter just before he comes back into the kitchen. He sets down the magazine and looks at me. "Did I upset you at all?"

"Why would you?" I cock an eyebrow.

"Ever since I've played the piano for you, you haven't really spoken to me." He fidgets with the textbook on the kitchen table. "What happened?"

I lost my freedom, that's what happened.

"Imogen? Is something wrong?" He walks up to the kitchen counter on the opposite side of me and rests his arms.

"Nothing's wrong," I mumble and take a bite of my apple.

"I don't really believe that," he responds in a doubtful tone. "You can tell me what's wrong, I might be able to help."

I sigh and swallow my bite of the apple. "You wouldn't understand."

"You can't be so sure of that," he shrugs and leans forward a bit.

It's not like you're an immortal being with a target on you. "You wouldn't understand," I say again more firmly.

"Can't you at least tell me?" he asks, pushing his tone.

"I said, you wouldn't understand." I put the apple core in the trash.

"I won't push it if you don't want to talk about it," he says while moving away from the counter and back to the table. "I just don't want you to think that you can't tell me anything."

I slowly nod, letting out a sigh. "Uh... Dane?"

He raises his eyebrows slightly and looks at me. "Yes?"

"Um..." Just tell him about the messages. "Well, I saw..." Just tell him, god damn it!

"You saw?" He asks, urging me to continue.

He needs to know. "At the restaurant..." But would it hurt him?

Would he be mad that I used his phone without asking? Would it remind him of this scar he has? Does he have a bad past with this person that's texting him?

I mentally punch myself. "Nevermind, sorry." I walk out of the kitchen in a hurry, feeling his confused eyes on me.

Damn it.

Dane's POV, two hours later

I finally shut my textbook and shove all my work into my bag, getting up and tossing it into the front closet.

The sun set around an hour ago. The sky is a dark blue, no stars visible but nowhere near daytime. I can hear cicadas through the window screen before I shut it, closing the blinds.

Before my feet can bring me to my room, a knock sounds from the front door. Who the hell would be here this late?

I move to open the door, feeling my heart stop.


"Did you miss me?" She says. Her disgusting smirk grows bigger when she sees the pain in my eyes.

"Let's talk outside," I say and usher her into the yard. I make sure to keep my distance from her.

In front of me is the girl who ruined me. The girl who laughed at my misery.

"Why are you here?" I ask, careful to not let my voice crack.

"No hello? No how are you? I'm hurt, sweetheart."

I grit my teeth. "Don't call me that."

"Come on, you can't forgive me? We were drunk and you didn't say no."

"I couldn't say no, you spiked my drink! I didn't even wanna drink alcohol!"

"You clearly haven't forgiven me, huh?" Sadie's giving me a puppy-eyed expression, making me angrier.

"Why would I forgive you?! You violated me and held a knife against my neck while you did it!" I blink away a tear before it can fall. I can't show her any signs of weakness.

"You shouldn't have tried to fight me, love." I cringe at her nickname for me and step away. "The disgusting scar on your neck is the price to pay."

I can feel my knees weaken at the mention of the scar. I've tried so hard to forget that it was there. "Why are you targeting me of all people?!"

"We belong together, we were so in love until you had to go and break it off."

"For obvious reasons," I mutter earning a dirty look from her. I look up and I don't have time to back away. Her open palm flies into the side of my face with a loud smack, making me fall to the ground.

Don't show weakness! I quickly stand back up, rubbing my cheek in attempt to relieve the pain. I see her hand reach into her hoodie's pocket, pulling out a pocket knife.

She walks towards me, the blade ready to plunge into my skin. A click comes from the front door and I suddenly see the image of Imogen leaping into the air, her foot colliding with Sadie's cheek.

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