Nightmare cure

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(Dreams are in italics)


I am running away from the two bounty hunters after me, quickly turning the corners of this weird building, I see a glowing room and I walk in, I see a big tube filled with liquid and someone is floating inside I walk around the tube to see...... ME!? What how, I quickly run out of the room and I hear someone scream my name, I run towards the scream, and see hunter lying dead on the ground, I run to him crying his name

"HUNTER, no, no, no" I cry, this is all my fault, I knee next to his body before a bounty Hunter rounds the corner and pulls out his gun 

"Your turn" he smiles before everything goes dark

"HUNTER! NO!" I scream, as I jolt awake, I can barely breath and the tears are streaming out, I see hunter run out and quickly climb up the ladder to my room, 

"Omega are you okay?" He asks desperately, but I am panting, gasping for air, he fully climbs up and sits beside me, he puts his arm around me and I bury my head into his side, "just breath, you're okay" 

"It was so real" I cried, he pulls me onto his lap and fully wraps his arms around me and I wrap my arms around his torso pulling my head to his chest,

"It was just a dream" he cooed "go back to sleep" he said softly, 


I felt her small body shaking as I held her tight, she doesn't deserve this, she's a good kid, she doesn't deserve this, her breathing steadied out as she slowly fell asleep in my arms, I soon fell asleep with her in my arms, 


the nightmares continued all week, there was nothing I could do to stop them, she was traumatised, poor thing, every night I would wake up to her screams,


we landed on a distance planet where the supplies were cheaper, echo, tech and wrecker were ahead of omega and I, we were walking a bit behind, this town was big, but I felt like it was a very civilised planet, lots of families, it looked respectable, we were passing a playground, on our way to get supplies, I noticed omega in awe of the playground,

"what is that" she smiled 

"a playground" I answered

"woah" she smiled 

"echo, I am going to take omega to the playground, come back here when you are done" I said and he nodded in return 

"really?" she smiled even wider and I nodded "thank you Hunter" she smiled

we walked into the almost empty playground, and she ran straight to this big structure in the middle and climbed up, I watched as she looked around, finally being able to be a child, she went to the top of the slide and I went to the bottom,

"what do I do here" she asked intrigued 

"you slide down it" I replied, she sat down and slid down laughing the whole way, it made me happy finally being able to see her smile, she walked over to the seesaw and sat down on one end 

"hunter" she said gesturing towards the seat, I sat down and the seesaw immediately went down on my side, I extended my legs so it pushed me up, and continued for a while making omega go up and down, she went on everything in the playground, we had already been here for an hour and she wasn't even close to being bored,

"want to go on the swing" I asked 

"yeah" she said sitting down "can you push me?" she asked 

"sure" I said pushing her, I pushed her on the swings for about 5 minutes before the boys returned, 

"we are ready to go, we got the supplies" echo Said 

"alright, come on omega time to go" I said 

"ohh okay" she said, 

"have fun kid?" wrecker asked 

"best day ever, I went on the slide and it was huge" she smiled before she yawn

"all that fun must if made you tired" wrecker laughed, she walked over to me and hugged me

"thank you hunter, I have never had that much fun before" she smiled 

"I am glad you enjoyed it" I smiled, she extended her arms indicating for me to pick her up, so I picked her up and she soon feel asleep with her head on my shoulder, once we got back to the ship I tucked her into her bed and went to sleep in mine.

and for the first time in a week she didn't have a nightmare. 

(please send requests and suggestions, and sorry for the short chapter) 

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