Bounty lost

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This takes place during ep9.


we approached the escape pod that was plummeting towards the ground and I am praying that omega is inside, the ship latches on to it and the hatch opens,

"omega you in there?" wrecker yelled

"wrecker" I heard a small voice yell back, oh thank the force she is there, I felt a heavy weight lift off my chest, she climbed up and wrecker gave her a hug before he let go and she buried her head into my stomach, it hurt at first but it quickly went away, I kneeled down and put my hand on her shoulder,

"are you okay, are you hurt" I asked as she wiped some tears away, it killed me to see her like this,

"why is this happening? why are the kaminoans after me?" She cried

"Hunter you have to tell her" echo said,

Omega looked back at me and I sighed

"You are valuable to them omega, more than the other clones even more then us, your're special" I told her,

"Special how?" She asked, Before I could answer I got out my knife and unlocked the handcuffs with it and once they were off she immediacy wrapped her arms around my neck, it caught me by surprise but I enjoyed it, I knew she was safe in my arms and she knew she was safe as well and that was comforting, I groaned as I lifted her up as she sobbed into my shoulder, I sat down down and explained the rest, and she didn't let go of me for awhile, until she had calmed down a bit, once she was okay, I put her down on the seat and grabbed her some food and water, she finished it all quickly until I put her to bed, the others followed but I decided to stay up for a bit.


A few hours passed and everyone was still asleep, I heard small footsteps approaching before I look over and see omega climb onto the chair beside me, 

"Can't sleep?" I asked

"I keep thinking about the kaminoans, I dont want to end up an experiment in a tube"

"That's not gonna happen" I said firmly

"If I am as valuable as you say, Lama su will keep sending people after to me" she said sadly, she is scared, and to be honest I am scared to, 

"You have us" I assured her 

"You can't fight them all" she said turning away from me, I walked over to her and kneeled infront of her, 

"Omega you don't have to worry, you are never going back to Kamino" I assured her and she looked at me, eyes full of fear and sadness,  

"Promise" she sobbed 

"I promise" I said firmly, "come on you must be exhausted" I said standing up and hold out my hand to signal her to follow 

"I can't sleep" she said lightly, standing up, I knelt back down and she walked over and buried her head into my shoulder, I wrapped my arms around her and groaned slightly when I picked her up, I sat back down and she buried her head into my chest, thankfully not on the side I was shot, I put my hand on the top of her head and the other on her leg, she closed her eyes and her breathing steadied out as she fell asleep, 

and I slowly drifted asleep

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and I slowly drifted asleep. 


I woke up and saw neither Hunter nor omega were in their beds, I walked into the cockpit and saw omega asleep in Hunters arms, it was sweet, I grabbed a blanket and put it over them, and tech came in and took a photo of them on his data pad. 


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(Just a short chapter, feel free to make suggestions) 

Hunter and omega one shots (the unexpected father-daughter duo)Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu