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thanks to @LeopardQueen15 for the idea, 


"alright where you are going for this mission is a very secure place, so soldiers in armour can't just walk in" Sid said 

"what do you mean secure?" I asked 

"well its hard to get into the city, its very family friendly so you will have to go undercover" Sid said "the landing docks are just outside so land there and then dark and broody and tiny will go in undercover" she said 

"me?" omega asked 

"yes you" Sid said "you will be going undercover as father and daughter so don't call him Hunter once you get into the city, got it?, good now go" she said, we left her office, omega undercover as my daughter, that's.... different, she's going to have to call me.....dad, im not sure how to feel about this

"yes I am part of the mission" omega smiled as we walked back to the ship.


"5 minutes from landing" echo said, I was in my casual cloths, they were far more comfy then my  armour 

"ready hunter, or should I say dad" omega smiled, I don't know why but her calling me that made me feel weird, good weird, which was.... weird, 

"yep" I said, omega and I walked out of the ship and to the front gate of the city, there was a person on top of the gate that looked us up and down, 

"whats your business here?" he asked 

"my daughter and I are here to go to the markets," I said


"whats you business here?" the man asked, I am so excited to go on this mission with hunter,

"my daughter and I are here to go to the market" hunter said, I don't know why but I liked when he called me his daughter, it made feel special,


"you may enter" the man Said

"okay lets go" I said to omega, as the gate opened big crowds of people appeared, omega grabbed my hand obviously overwhelmed by the large amounts of people and not wanting to get lost, "this way" I said as we pushed past some, 

"tech I see the location" I said 

"okay sneak in get the data and get out" he reminded me 

"alright, come on omega" I said 

after the mission we decided to get some food at a diner since we finished It early, 

"okay omega what do you want?" I asked and she pointed to it on the menu, I ordered our food and we sat and waited 

"thank you for taking me to get food hun- I mean dad" she smiled 

"no worries kid" I smiled back, 

"here's your food" the waitress said handing us our food 

"thank you" omega smiled 

"aw your daughter is so polite" the waitress smiled 

"yes she is," I smiled and she nodded and walked away 

"how do you like your food?" I smiled 

"its yummy" she smiled 

we finished our food and made our way back to the ship, 

"woah hu- I mean dad look at this" she said pulling me to a stall, 

"what is it?" I smiled 

"its a tooka doll, like Lula" she said eyeing the doll

"yes and its half price" the shopkeeper smiled 

"how much?" I asked 

"3 credits" 

"okay we will take it" I smiled handing her the credits 

"really, thank you dad" she smiled and hugged me, I still wasn't used to her calling me dad,

"your welcome" I said patting her back 

"you are a good father" the shop keeper smiled 

"thank you" I said as we walked back the ship

we got back to the ship and I handed tech the information we retrieved

"how was the mission kid" wrecker asked 

"good look" she said holding up the tooka doll, 

"WOAH" he yelled 

"yeah dad, I mean hunter got it for me" she smiled 

"woah its so cool" he smiled 

"I am going to modify it" she smiled walking to her room


a couple of hours later omega walked into the cockpit, 

"hey hunter look" she said holding up the modified tooka doll, it looked like......me it had a skull go half of its face and a red bandana, 

"hey it looks like me" I smiled "great job" I said patting her back 

"thanks for the really fun day" she smiled before hugging me and walking away

"no problem kid" I said whispered, it was a great day 

Hunter and omega one shots (the unexpected father-daughter duo)Where stories live. Discover now