"So tell me again why we walked this late?" I asked, "Hey your not carrying anybody, so shush and no complaining." "I'm not. In your words I'm 80 pounds." He rolls his eyes at me. "So do you guys just get calls about going on a mission, or do you just head there whenever?" "We get calls." Natasha said. I nod laying my head on Clint's shoulder.

"Ah, I think you've worn out Talia Steve." I hear Clint say making everyone laugh. We get to the tower soon so Clint sets me on my bed. "Hey Natasha can you stay for a minute?" She turns around and nods, closing the door behind the boys. She comes over and sits down next to me. "I'm sorry to ask but can you help me get a bath?" I was blushing, "Sure. I have oils, candles, bubbles and scents in my room." "Really?" She nods and heads out, a minute later she comes back and sets the bathroom up.

Then she helps me in the bathroom. "So how long have you been on the team?" "About a year and a half." I nod, "What do you do being surrounded by men all the time?" "I have a room that gets locked and some books with a nice bath." I laugh. "I could never survive in this tower being the only girl for a year and a half." "I'm not the only girl, there is Pepper." "Who's Pepper?" Her eyes widen, "Tony never told you?" "Told me what?" "That the CEO of the Stark's company and Tony's I don't know what to call it." I nod, "I'll bring it up with him later."

She nods and turns the water off. "I am going to get you some clothes." I nod as she leaves. I make my way into the bath tub. The hot water making my sore muscles better. "There was a knock. "It's me Talia." Natasha says, "Come in." She opens the door and steps in. She sets down the clothes, "Thank you Natasha." "Your welcome and it's Nat to family and friends." I smile at her as she leaves. I sigh and close my eyes.

The candles were lit and the light was off. "Hey Jarvis, can we play some music in here?"

Sure Ms. Talia. What kind of music?

"Top music, like Taylor Swift, Blake Shelton, Kane Brown, Mumford and Sons, Daughtry, Imagine Dragons, Lady A, Florida Georgia Line."

There you go Ms. Talia.

The music starts to play in the back ground, "Thank you."

No problem.

I close my eyes and relax for a while, my muscles loosening and relaxing. Once the water was getting cold I drained it and put the shower on washing my body and hair. Then I dried off and put on the clothes Nat got me. It was a pare of leggings with a tie dye cropped shirt that showed a sliver of my stomach. I then put on some socks.

When that was done I blow dried my hair and threw it up. "Jarvis where is everyone?"

In the living room waiting for some Chinese

I smiled and walked out heading to the elevator. When I got out and it dinged everyone looked at me. I went over and sat down. "I got you some chicken teriyaki with Mexican rice." Tony said, "That is my second favorite thing." I say "What is your first?" "Sweet and sour chicken." They all nod. "Where is the remote?" I ask Thor tosses it at me so I turn the tv on, the news came on the screen.

Who is this girl that has been hanging out with the Avengers the past day? She has been seen with Captain America and Hawkeye. Just a few minutes ago she was racing with Captain America, here is some footage-

It shows us of me and Steve racing just a few minutes ago. Clint yelled that we had 3 minutes, me and Steve were talking and we both sped up then we were down to 1 minute, I was racing Steve now and then you saw us both collapse to the ground talk and Clint picks me up and we walk away. And after that it showed me and Steve in a car at the stop light.

We don't know her name yet but I bet we will be seeing her with the other Avengers, especially our very own Captain America and Hawkeye.

I groan as I switch it to Netflix. "At least they haven't figured out your Tony Starks sister, that would be the story of the year." Nat said I nod.

Steve Rogers Love and Tony Stark's SisterWhere stories live. Discover now