Chapter 23: Sunrises and Promises

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He was silenced with a pair of soft lips on his. “Thank you.” Oliver said, pulling away, “Thank you for sharing this with me. This was a great surprise.”

“Surprise isn’t over yet,” Clark told him and he looked at him. “Tell me, Mr. Queen, have you ever seen the sun rise?”

Oliver opened his mouth to say something but his eyes followed the path where Clark was pointing and he understood why Clark was so intent on dragging him up so early.

The sun was slowly coming out, brightening the dark sky with shades of yellow and orange. Clark felt pleased at the look of awe that was on Oliver’s face.

“Beautiful.” Oliver said softly. He rested his head on Clark’s shoulder and the two of them watched as the sun rose over Metropolis quietly.

Afterwards, Clark flew them both back to the penthouse. Landing carefully on the balcony, they re-entered and Clark shot Oliver a grin.

“Now wasn’t that worth waking up for?” Clark teased.

“Definitely, worth it,” Oliver agreed. “Thank you.”

“I’m glad you enjoyed it.” Clark said. They stood in silence, neither knowing what to say.

“I should be getting back to the farm,” Clark said, “I don’t want the others to wake up and worry.”

“As long as there is food around, Bart won’t care.” Oliver joked.

Clark cracked a smile. “When do you have to leave?” He asked.

Oliver swallowed hard, all signs of happiness gone. “In a couple of hours.”

“I should let you get packed and everything then.” Clark said, trying his best to keep his voice calm. It wasn’t easy though.

“Clark,” Oliver started to say but was cut off when Clark pressed his lips on Oliver’s.

“Don’t say it,” Clark told him. “We promised we’d never say it.”

“Don’t say what?” Oliver asked.

“Goodbye,” Clark said, “We promised not to say goodbye.”

“Never say goodbye,” Oliver remembered, with a fond smile. “Then I suppose this is farewell.”

Clark nodded. “Be safe.”

“You too,” Oliver replied, “I don’t care what you call yourself, Clark or Kal, you’ll always be my Green Eyes.”

“And you’ll always be my Blondie.” Clark said, with a sad smile.

“Farewell, Clark Kent.” Oliver said.

“Farewell, Oliver Queen,” he said. “Ollie.” Oliver grinned at the nickname but even then, he could see the smile was forced, and he was unable to hide the devastation in his eyes.

With one last kiss, Clark left, not once looking back, knowing that if he saw Oliver, even for a moment, he would go back to him and never leave.

Never Say GoodbyeTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang