Chapter 17: My Feelings For You Are Forever!

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"You’ve got to be kidding,” Lois whispered as a woman attempted to sing Christina Aguilera’s “Genie in a Bottle”.

“Be nice, Lois.” Clark chided but winced when the woman hit a high note.

“What were you saying?” Lois teased.

“Do you plan to sing, Lois?” Oliver asked, with a glint in his eyes.

“I think I will need more alcohol before I get up there.” Lois laughed. She glanced at her glass, which was now empty. “Speaking of which, I’m going to get us another round.”

“Don’t worry, Smallville, no alcohol for you, I know.” Lois added before he could say anything.

They watched her saunter toward the bar. It was an 18+ club but alcohol was available, if you showed ID. Clark managed to get non-alcoholic drinks, claiming that he was underage and didn’t want to risk getting caught and he wanted one of them to stay sober.

Chloe’s gaze darted between the two. “You know,” she said quickly, “I think I’m going to go see if Lois needs any help bringing those drinks back.” She was gone and once again, they were alone.

“So,” Clark said, breaking the silence, “You going to sing?”

Oliver gave him a half smile. “Maybe. Like Lois, I may need a few more drinks to get me up there though.”

“Oliver Queen lacking courage?” Clark joked, “I never thought I’d see the day.”

“I’m not all that brave, Clark,” Oliver said softly, “There's so many things that I want that I just haven’t had the courage to take.” He was looking right at Clark when he said that, causing the brunette’s heart to flutter at Oliver’s sincere words.

“Oliver,” he began but was cut off when the two women returned with the drinks.

“Here we are,” Lois announced. She placed a red drink in front of Clark. “Don’t know what this is, Smallville, but the bartender recommended it.”

He was slightly wary but figured that it couldn’t hurt him anyway so he took a sip. Suddenly, he felt a jolt run through his body and his eyes widened.

Apparently he should’ve taken notice of the drink's red color. 'Red k,' was the last thought he had before the substance took over.

He looked away, his eyes glowing red for an instant but the others didn’t see the change. A slow smile spread across his face.

Freedom, he thought. He felt so carefree, so uninhibited, so . . . good.

“Smallville,” Lois said, “How’s the drink?”

“It’s very nice, Lois.” He said, with a smile. His smile was different and he knew Chloe could tell something was wrong.

“Clark, are you okay?” Chloe asked.

“Okay? I’m better than okay,” Clark said, “In fact, I’m great.” He smirked. “Why are we all sitting around here anyway? I thought we were here for karaoke.”

“Clark, are you sure you’re okay?” Lois asked. “Maybe I should take a look at your drink . . .”

“The drink’s fine." Clark assured her, with a wave of his hand. His eyes shifted to the karaoke stage, where some man was belting out some Clay Aiken song. 'How lame,' Clark thought.

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