Chapter 13: Proposals & Unrequited Love

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His heart was pounding

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His heart was pounding. Oliver’s lips were about to touch his. Rrrinnggg. Clark’s eyes flew open and both jumped apart at the sound of the phone.

Both were shocked at what they had been about to do. Clark was disappointed that they actually hadn’t gotten to kiss and saw the same frustration reflected in Oliver’s eyes. The phone was still ringing so Clark went to pick it up.

“Kent Farm.” He answered.

“Clark, it’s Chloe.”

Of course, it had to be Chloe. The one person who had been encouraging his love for Oliver would call when they had been about to kiss.

“Hey, Chlo,” he said, “Since when do you call home?”

“Since I called your cell phone and you weren’t picking up.” Chloe replied.

“Sorry, my phone is in my room and I was a bit distracted.” Clark told her. That was the understatement of the year.

“It’s fine.” She said.

“So, what’s up?” He asked. “Must’ve been pretty important if you’re trying both the numbers.”

“Clark, have you seen the Daily Planet this morning?” Chloe asked, her tone nervous.

“No,” Clark responded, “I haven’t had a chance to look at the paper yet.” He scanned the house and found the paper in the living room. “There it is. Hold on, let me go get it.”

“Clark, wait!” Chloe exclaimed, “I have to tell you something before you get the paper.”

“Okay, go ahead.” Clark said.

“Lex proposed to Lana.” Chloe told him.

Clark almost dropped the phone in surprise. “I’m sorry, what?”

“Oh, Clark,” Chloe said sadly, “Lex proposed.”

“What did she say?” Clark asked.

“She hasn’t given him an answer yet." Chloe told him. Now he had to find the paper. In a second, he had sped into the living room and sped back.

His fingers fumbled with the paper and he looked for the appropriate section. He gasped at what he saw.

“Chloe,” he said into the phone, “It says . . . it says here it’s because of me. Is this true?”

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