Chapter 11: Date With Danger

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"Wow, Clark, it seems you have your very own knight in shining armor." Chloe joked. They were sitting in the Talon, and just hanging out. It was a rare moment, with no meteor freaks or zoners to interrupt and they were determined to enjoy it.

“I never thought I would see you as a damsel in distress though,” Chloe added, laughing. “Then again, I think you could pull off pink.”

“Chloe, it’s not funny!” Clark said. He had just told her about how Oliver had defended him against Lana and the almost kiss that had occurred later. Ever since he had told her of his feelings, she had been on his case, trying to find out what was going on.

“It is nice to see one guy who hasn’t fallen under the Lana spell.” Chloe mused aloud, “I mean, don’t get me wrong. Lana is my friend, but it is kind of annoying how she manages to turn usually intelligent men into mindless dorks.”

“Are you implying something, Chlo?” Clark asked.

“Clark, you have to admit that you’ve done some pretty stupid things in the name of your love for Lana.” Chloe pointed out.

“I suppose you’re right.” Clark conceded. “It was just something about her . . .”

“That made you want to protect her, blah, blah, blah.” Chloe finished, rolling her eyes. “I know, Clark, trust me. You weren’t the first and I’m certain you won’t be the last male to want to be her prince charming.” She grinned. “But I have to give Oliver his props. He is way cooler than I thought he was.”

She frowned. “But I am disappointed in you, Clark Kent. Jumping up like that! How could you not kiss Oliver?”

“Chloe, I don’t know if you remember, but he is dating your cousin!” Clark replied, “I was probably wrong anyway. It must’ve been my imagination.”

“I doubt it.” Chloe said. “But then again, you are dense about the matters of the heart.” He raised an eyebrow. “It’s true! He spends time with you for no reason, he compliments you at random moments, and he protects your honor against your ex-girlfriend . . . and you honestly think there’s nothing going on?”

“When you put it that way,” Clark said, sighing. “I don’t know.”

“Look, Oliver probably does care about Lois,” Chloe said, “And she is definitely head over heels for him. Trust me, if he hurts my cousin, I will kick his ass. But you should see yourself when you talk about him.”

“Chloe,” he protested.

“No, Clark,” Chloe insisted. “Your eyes light up and you just look so happy. I’ve never seen you this crazy about anyone and don’t forget that I listened to you whine about Lana for years.”

“You don’t think I love him more than I love Lana, do you?” Clark asked, but already knowing the answer.

“I don’t think that,” Chloe said softly, “I already know it for sure. Am I right?”

“You’re right,” Clark said, knowing there was no point in lying. His throat closed up. “I wish you weren’t though.”

Chloe covered his hand with her smaller one. “Clark, I know it hurts . . .”

“It does hurt." Clark said, “I don’t know what is wrong with me, I keep falling for people who I can’t have. Maybe, maybe I’m just meant to be alone.”

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