Chapter 7: Thanksgiving Miracles

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Clark was positive that Lana, Lois and Lex single handedly kept the Metropolis General Hospital up and running

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Clark was positive that Lana, Lois and Lex single handedly kept the Metropolis General Hospital up and running. It used to be just Lana and Lex but with Lois's new desires to be a reporter, she had been joining the duo.

Maybe it has something to do with people who have the initials of LL, Clark thought. How was it that the people who ended up close to him always had those initials? Lana, Lex, Lionel and finally Lois.

But it was not the time to be contemplating his friendships. Lois was in the hospital and he had to go and check on her. What he found out made him even more determined to find Oliver. As it turned out, Lois had found Oliver decked out in his Green Arrow gear and assumed he was robbing the place.

She had tried to come at from behind and she had ended up injured. Oliver hadn't come to visit so Clark was now wondering if he even realized the consequences of his own actions or if the drugs had completely taken over.

Lois told him she would call Chloe to help but Clark was already on his way to see her. After checking several places he thought Oliver may be, he came up empty so he decided to go see if she had found out anything.

She had. And he was right- the drug that he was taking was not something someone would take to party. It had healing properties. The downside was that it affected the part of the brain called the amygdale, which apparently triggered violent and aggressive behavior. Which must've been the reason for Oliver's outbursts.

Chloe was curious to know why Oliver would take that kind of drug but he managed to distract her before she could ask too many questions. They discovered that a woman named Pamela Black was the one who created the drug and she was currently working for Queen Industries, taking a sabbatical from her job as a professor at Princeton.

Figuring Oliver would go to her for more drugs eventually, they headed toward the lab. But when they got there, they found that the lab was torn apart, equipment and supplies strewn all over the place. And Dr. Black was dead, lying in a pool of her own blood.

Clark approached the body and with a quick check, he said, "She's dead."

"And her place has been completely pillaged." Chloe added.

Clark felt sick to his stomach. "Look, drugs or no drugs, I can't believe Oliver would kill someone."

"I don't think it was Oliver, Clark," Chloe responded, pointing to a too familiar arrow pinned to the wall. "It was the Green Arrow. Looks like our green hero has made the leap from Robin Hood to cold-blooded killer. I just don't understand why a scientist was his target."

Clark refused to believe it. There had to be another explanation. Using his x-ray vision, he scanned the room and stopped when he saw something.

"Chloe." He said and then proceeded to rip off part of the wall.

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