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They talk more and more about the idea of meeting, Ranboo knows it's a good idea, more content, being with his best friend, meeting a bunch of his other friends as well. The idea is perfect.

So when he finally booked the tickets, after a long time of discussing plans with parents, and each other, Ranboo and Tubbo were excited.

Ranboo was nervous, of course. He would look different in person, and he was worried it would be awkward to be around Tubbo without his mask and glasses since he hasn't shown his face much in the last month to the boy.

Throughout the weeks he worked hard on his anxiety, and his mental health was at an all time high, every stream they would tease the meetup.

People in chat would ask about the whole face reveal thing. He has promised his fans he'd face reveal at some point, said he would maybe do it at 3 million subs. Of course his fans were ecstatic, he loved seeing them excited about it, but it still made him nervous.

With Tommy having his new vlog channel, he knew that he would be in some vlogs, and face revealing would make that a lot easier. He has discussed this with Tommy himself, the boy telling Ranboo that it wouldn't be necessary and he just wanted him to be comfortable.

Being in person with the people he has gotten close with was nerving. He has only opened up fully to Tubbo about his depression, and he isn't really sure he's comfortable knowing he will get to see it with his own eyes. But days are going by and the trip is getting closer and closer. He can't hide himself away for any longer, and he just has to deal with that.

A week before the trip he starts showing his face again to Tubbo, and when on calls with and of his other friends he'll have facecam with his mask on. He feels like getting used to it will make things easier once he's in the UK.

The night before his flight he's on call with Tommy and Tubbo. He tells them how anxious the idea being without his mask and glasses around people who are not his family makes him, but he trusts them. They give him words of encouragement, knowing that he can't wear it all the time while he's at Tubbos house.

When he goes to sleep that night, he keeps them on call, knowing that tomorrow he'll meet them, and his fears will be fought, with his friends to help him.

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