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The day of the face cam stream comes and he is shaking with nerves. Tubbo and Tommy messaging him words of encouragement. Many people in the smp in chat as mods making sure to be on hand if anything happens.

The "starting soon" screen is on and music is blaring in his headset. His friends are all in vc waiting for when we wants them to join. He goes on the smp and starts the stream without face cam.

"Hi chat" he says as he shows himself in the smp. He watches chat go by asking where is the face cam. "Chat you aren't ready, you aren't ready" he says as he runs around in game "I have to get in a good place first".

He thanks subs and primes as he tried to find a good place to be. "There is probably a lot of people who don't know what's happening"

People in chat asking to see his face, spamming 'face reveal'.

"It's almost time" he is stalling. He know he is but he is still very nervous. Tubbo greats hun in chat and he smiles knowing his friends are here to help him.

He decides that the beacon is where he wanted to do it at and climbs up the mountain to get in place.

"Okay, okay" he breaths out as he makes sure everything is on and the button to turn on his cam is ready. "Oh lemme change the song real quick" wow ranboo real slick with the stalling.

He turns on cam and covers his face with his ranboo plush as he puts on the music he wants. "Let me make sure I have everything on- okay we are set"

He stalls a bit more and starts to shake as the song gets to the drop and he drops the plush. We watches chat instead of looking at camera for a bit. He gets into streaming mode and just plays along with chat for a while.

He shows chat that he has a button that will turn of the cam at any moment.

"What if I just started doing lore" he laughs as chat is sending in love. "I'm super aware of so many things chat"


After doing just chatting, Minecraft, and many other things with his friends he finally ends stream. He wasn't as nervous as he thought he would be. Until he looked at Twitter. Of course many people were sending in love.

Then the hate. People trying to figure out what he looked like, and his face many peoples profile pictures. Of course he told them they could, he normally wouldn't mind, but at this moment all he can think about is how they wouldn't like him if he showed his face.

'Tubbo is still my friend and he's seen my face'

'Yea but you don't know if he thinks your ugly or not'

Tubbo has said on multiple occasions he thinks he's good looking, but that doesn't make Ranboo any less nervous. People lie all the time.

He decides to log off and go to sleep, trying to run away from his thoughts as best he can. That can be hard when it's constant even in your sleep.


(This is not a ship fic)

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