◢Chapter 3 - Gray Raven◤

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"Dammit, where are they?!"

He ran through the city, not caring about anything else as he hacks and slashes his way through the Corrupted with only one goal in mind. Alpha had taken so much of his time, and he wasn't really in a merciful mood thanks to her.

"Where is that squad? Move out my fucking way you damn Corrupted!" He slashed through a group of droids as he slides past them in pursuit.

He recently went back to the church after his encounter with the Ascendant, and just as he expected, they weren't there anymore. So all he did was scan the entire city himself, street by street, hoping to find that red construct.

And as of now, he stood upon the roof of a building overlooking the scenes below him, scanning for her.

"Now where are you... Lucia..." He looks in every street and alley, for the recognizable red color on her frame and scarf.


He thinks about the scarf that he saw on Lucia... and the one he recently saw... the one around Alpha's neck.

'...now that I think about it, both of them...'

Looked familiar.

That had to be the most uncanny coincidence in his mind. At the moment, he baffles by the idea about the scarf that they wore looked almost identical to each other.

"Must've been a fashion trend on constructs." He laughs at the thought. "I mean it has to be."

Wiping away the smirk on his face, he continues to look around, only to find nothing on Lucia's whereabouts. He decided to continue his search somewhere else in the city. Until.


He heard a loud voice from directly below him. Looking over, he saw two constructs that were no worse for wear. One was shouldering the other, him desperately calling out for help as he didn't let go of the female construct slung beside him as she suffers... from corruption.

"..." The look on his face was blank, expressionless, apathetic.

But he could see the desperation on the male construct's face, and the pained face of the female one. Those expressions of theirs were all too familiar to him, the pain, the desperation, the hopelessness. He couldn't stand looking at their suffering, it aggravates him to the bone knowing they were forced to fight and risk their lives for humanity.

He had enough of it, he'd seen enough of it all. 

And so he jumped off of the building as he landed in front of the two constructs.


Surprising the male construct, he looked over to the two as he saw the condition they were in. Broken and mangled in some parts as their vital fluids leak out, and the woman's body was showing signs of corruption as well.

"A-A construct? That look, are you from the Cerberus squad? Never mind that, please help me!" Ecstatic, the male construct limped his way to him with his comrade in tow. 

"What happened?" He asked the construct as he helped him carefully lay the female construct on the ground.

"We were supposed to regroup at the supply station, but then this 'Spray Can' droid came out of nowhere and decimated our squad! W-We managed to fend it away, but then other Corrupted came and swarmed us all! Jessi, Alex, Dan... even our Commandant Royce, they all sacrificed themselves for me and Kasha... yet Kasha's... please... help us get to the supply station! W-We can still save her from the virus!" He shook him.

The nameless construct stared at him before staring at her.

"H...elp.... it.... hurts...." The female construct groaned in pain as she aches and squirms from the virus.

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