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chapter 1- His song.

  The engagement party has begun. The families have all gathered in the mansion where the event was taking place, all of them were looking stunning with their beautiful and colorful clothes.

(Shit sherlock! this is gonna be so damn hard. I've never been to an engagement party before i don't know how it goes. Forgive me.)

Some people were busy eating, drinking and chatting and trying to get to know others. The mansion was beautifully decorated to the couple's taste. they had a lot of food to satisfied their tummy and different kind of drinks to kill their thirst.

Myungmin and Minhyuk recieved a lot of good wishes from their family and friends who were present and some people also gave them special gifts. Chanyeol proposed a toast to his son and Myungmin. Myungmin also made a toast to Minhyuk and Chanbaek couple.

With the corner of his eyes Jungkook could see how a arm was wrap around Taehyung's petite waist as Taehyung and Bogum talk to few friends. An announcement was made for Jungkook to step on the podium which was beautifully decorated.

He regain his composure and smile at the host, before walking towards the piano. He silently sat down on the stool and pull the mic close to his lips. He gulped then cleared in throat before looking at everyone in anticipation.

"I know it might not flow with this beautiful moment will all are here to share but i had put a lot of effort in this and i wish that you all will be happy with this little song i have to share." Jungkook smiled and everyone applauded with a big smile on their face except Taehyung who was dazed by the older's look and Bogum who quietly scoff with some few people who were completely dazed just be staring at him.

"Fighting!" Sanha yelled, clapping his hands and Jimin smile widely and did the same to encourage the older.

Jungkook gave them a soft smile and look down at the piano, gently laying his fingers on the key as he parted his lips, closing his eyes and began to let out all the things that was coming out from his heart.

"His name permeates from my lips

His face is engraved on my eyes

Again and again, he's like a leak that can't be plugged ...

That person is you.

your voice comes into my ear...

And i secretly follow your voice.

memories survive from our happier times...

but i want to turn around
because i shed tears from yearning

like a fool, i live like this
and from habit, i only search for you.

what's happening? all i did was love you.

it's difficult being without you
my heart hurts so much..

my tears will not dry in the days to come
I walk the streets alone
on days like today.

i feel like you'll run to me
and hold me in your arms.

just love me only for a day.

give just that one day to me.

i'll expect nothing more if you do that for me." Jungkook slowly sang unaware that lonely tears were sliding down Taehyung's cheeks.

"Are you okay?"

As soon as  Taehyung heard bogum's voice he turned around, hiding his face and nodded. "I want to use the restroom." He excused himself and left.

As soon as Jungkook finish singing, everyone gave him a hand of applause. He smiled widely, and lean close to speak into the mic. " it is such a sweet occasion when two people pledge their love and lives to one another. Warm wishes to you both, i wish you a lifetime of love, romance, laughter and joy. Congratulations to MinHyuk! Cheers!"

everyone lift up their glass of wine and cheers along with Jungkook. Jungkook took a sip from his wine and left the podium to hug the happy couple.

"You have such a sweet voice Jungkook." Minhyuk said as he gave Jungkook a brief hug. They pulled away with smile plastered on their face before jungkook darted his gaze to Myungmin who shook his hand and surprisingly pulled him into a hug.

"you did great Jungkook." The older amongs the three complimented and earn a soft smile from jungkook who thanked him for giving him such an opportunity.

Jungkook talk to them for a while before approaching Jimin and Sanha who was stuffing a lot of food into his mouth. He chuckled at the younger cuteness which made Sanha embarrassed and hid his face.


Jungkook took a deep breath before looking around, "I can't see Taehyung, do you know where he is?" Jungkook asked. "I heard him telling Bogum hyung that he want to use the restroom." Sanha explained and Jungkook nodded, pivoting on his heels to go look for the younger.

"But!" Sanha quietly shouted making the elder to halt on his track. "I saw him going out of the mansion." The younger completed making Jungkook to blink. "But it is raining." Jungkook said with a frown and Sanha nodded.

"Exactly! why did he left inside this rain?" The younger asked, a smile on his face. "Jungkook Hyung, i think Taehyung was touched by your song. You were amazing." Sanha smiled softly earning a bunny smile from the older who pivoted on his heels and left after whispering a soft

"thank you."

" Yah i am so jealous, you never told me i am amazing. Not even in bed-Ouch!" Jimin winces in pain as Sanha knee his member. "Yah, are you trying to kill little chim?" he dramatically wince while Sanha playfully glare bullet holes into his skull.

"Yes. I will kill it if you don't control your mouth-- then how on earth am i going to make you pregnant? what will i tell Eomma when he ask for a grandson?" Jimin inquired, throwing his hands everywhere, exaggerating.

"tell him it is dead." Sanha curtly answered and took a sip from his wine.


Taehyung stop dead on his track as someone suddenly place an umbrella above his head. He could only make out the person's hand from the corner of his eyes until the person walks towards his front and flash him a unique smile which he miss so much.

Taehyung couldn't believe his eyes, he thought he was just hallucinating but yet it felt so real.

"Ah. I must be going crazy--Ani, you are not." Jungkook cut him off with a wide smile spread over his face.

I Need You- Part 2Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora