Epilogue (part 1)

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*Yui, Charlie, Iris, and Tyler are packing their things in the house*

Yui- again, I'm sorry I don't remember you guys. I feel bad...

Tyler- don't feel bad, I'll be patient with you like you were with me when I lost my memories

Charlie- kind of sucks we are getting evicted though.

Iris- why are we getting evicted?

Charlie- noise complaints from neighbors about my cult

Tyler- :(

Iris- Stupid

Charlie- stfu, where is everyone going?

Yui- my friends Ivy, Val, and Eve are letting me stay with them for a while

Iris- lmao imagine being friend zoned by your own girlfriend

Tyler- couldn't be me

Yui- I should be able to find a place by myself though, I'm 26 after all

Charlie- what about you Iris?

Iris- I stole Trinitys credit card after I told her you were dead I should be fine

Tyler- Oh ya! I need to see Trinity I still haven't told her I'm alive and that Paton is dead

Charlie- I think her name was Patricia

Iris- I think her name was Penelope

Yui- I don't even know who you're talking about

Tyler- anyways I gotta go! Ima go find out where Trinity is!

*tries to go out of the house but hits a force field*

Iris- you're so stupid just leave the house Tyler

Tyler- I'm trying!

*a black void surrounds the house and they get shots up into the sky. There is a singular red eye there*

Charlie- ...the machine

Iris- k


Yui- wtf


*light flashes*

Yui- wait, how did I get here?

Iris- you stupid bitch did you lose your memories again?

Yui- I lost my memories? The last thing I remember is that weirdo kidnapping us

Iris- k

Tyler- GUYS!

Yui- what

Tyler- I remember some of the memories I lost when your mom erased them, even though it's not a lot I remember my family

Iris- when


Iris- when tf did I ask

Tyler- :(

Yui- where is Charlie?

Charlie- *floating in the void, the eye is no longer there* I AM THE MACHINE NOW, I WILL ACCEND AND WATCH OVER YOU ALL, GOODBYE

*light flashes again and they are back in the house, except Charlie*

Iris- want to know what my deepest desire was?

Yui- what?

Iris- ur mom

Yui- Ok

Iris- speaking of your mom she's dead lmao bye *leaves the house*

Yui-... wtf?

*cut to Val, Ivy, and Eve*

Val- where is Yui?

Ivy- she was supposed to be here

Yui- hi

Val- you ready to go?

Yui- go where?

Eve- You guys got evicted remember?

Yui- no I don't

Ivy- did you lose your memories again?

Yui- again?

Eve- :(

Val- nvm, I'm Val, this is Eve and Ivy

Yui- I know who you guys are

Eve- then how don't you remember anything that's happened in the past week

Yui- it's been a week? I remember getting kidnapped by the weird woman, nothing after that.

*they all hug Yui*


Yui- I was gone..?

*they explain everything that happened*

Yui- my mom really did that?

Val- ya

Yui- I'm surprised, all this time I thought she was a horrible person. She literally left my older brother at Walmart and didn't notice until a year later, then he was gone.

Eve- wow

Yui- but I guess I do have to thank her, for saving Tyler

Ivy- true, where is Tyler by the way

*they see Tyler running down the street at sonic speed to Trinitys house*

Ivy- nvm


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