Heart break (part 1)

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*Eve, Val, and Ivy are talking to Iris at the coffee table. Yui and Charlie had to take Tyler to the hospital after Tyler tried to clean the power outlet with a fork*

Eve- I don't know why she's still dating Sarah

Ivy- idk either

Val- I'm surprised Sarah hasn't dumped her after 2 months

Iris- ah, I see. Single losers having trouble because they like my best friend. Couldn't imagine I can get anyone with the snap of my fingers.

Ivy- I like you, let's be friends

Iris- k

Val- well this has nothing to do with me, have fun failing. Iris if you need help you know where to find me *leaves*

Iris- Ill call you guys later, cya

*eve and Ivy leave also*

*charlie, Tyler, and Yui come back a few hours later*

Iris- good news first

Charlie- he's not dead

Iris- I asked for good news first, not bad news

Charlie- bad news is he doesn't know how to count past 3 now

Iris- I didn't think he could before but we learn something new everyday

*payton burst into Charlie's house suddenly*

Charlie- what the-

Payton- me and A.J are breaking up...

Yui- why?

Payton- I guess I was tired of being treated more as an enemy than as their wife, we had a big fight and I left.

Charlie- that sucks

Payton- ikr, I think I need to call Zomjo up to kill me

Iris- I'm sure you guys will work it out, but I don't know what it's like to be broken up with since I'm always the person who breaks up with them

Payton- I mean, I thought they loved me too, but they never really show any affection to me. The last 'I love you' I got was almost half a year ago. They've been pulling back and I don't know why.

Tyler- Care Bears

Charlie- well, if you ask for forgiveness from the machine, it will bring A.J back to you. All you have to do is have faith in the machine.

To be continued...

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