Road trip (part 6)

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-somewhere in hell-

Author- finally, this series is going to end, I had a fun time writing this

Kapash- literally no one asked shut the hell up

*with The people who got kidnapped*

???- so, you guys know payton?

Iris- sadly, yes.

???- do you know anything about her organization, Orion?

Ava- I knew she had an organization but I didn't know the name

Res- you guys are just gonna sell her out like this, huh?

Trinity- I couldn't care less what happens to her

(Btw ??? Has a drama mask on)

???- thats fortunate, what about you two? *looking at Theo and Yui*

Theo- ...

Yui- I don't know anything about her

???- I see, I'll continue this interview but for now I will introduce myself *she gets gasoline and pours it on herself*

Ava- wtf

*??? Strikes a match Lights herself on fire to reveal her real self*

??? Outfit-

??? Outfit-

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But black hair and red eyes

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But black hair and red eyes

She is Caucasian and still holding the mask up to her face
*author pauses time*

Author- real quick, she is one of my characters that I'm also using in another book that has nothing to do with this universe because at times I am an uncreative swine, she is also inspired off of a dnd character of mine, let's continue.


???- I am Akira, the supreme leader of the organization, Dire. *removes the mask and throws it aside*

Iris- Ok

Ava- k

Trinity- k

Theo- k

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