Q&A part 2

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Author- ok, so now back to rats nest and cool kids! The next question is "what kind of person was Tyler before Payton ruined him?"

Payton- I don't remember, he wasn't important. What about you Yui?

Yui- the complete opposite of how he is right now. He was responsible and smart, and he had black hair but he dyed his hair.

Iris- hot

Charlie- no

Author- next question is for Yui, it's "Is Yui dating the machine?"

Yui- No, I'm not dating anyone

Eve and Ivy- I could change that 😫

Val- you're probably not dating anyone because no one could ever love you

Author- I though I had them kicked out of here

Yui- I wish you did

Author- anyways next is "are A.J and Payton married?"

Payton- Yes! I proposed to them in the last episode of rats nest, then got sent to an alternate dimension for like 5 years, then I came back and we got married and had Yui! That may be wrong I have no sense of time.

Author- another question, "what are A.J's pronouns?"

A.J- after a lot of gender confusion, I decided my pronouns are he/them and they/him.

Author- another one for Payton, you seem to be a favorite. "Does Payton hate Trinity?"

Payton- I just like making her life a living hell, I don't hate her.

Author- for the rats nest cast, "does everyone in rats nest just Respawn after Payton kills them?"

Anna- we used the power of Anna Christ a few times by selling our souls, like in that one episode when payton kidnapped everyone and forced them to kill each other. But ya we kind of respawn, but other than that the common rule is rats nest and cool kids is you have 3 lives before you permanently die unless if you're charlie basically.

Payton- but ya they basically respawn until they don't, I still have 2 lives left I only died once

Rian- I only have 1 life

Anna- I ran out of lives long ago I rely on Anna Christ now

Ava- same

Author- ok, next question is "who is Charlie's least favorite?"

Charlie- all of them, I don't like anyone of them. I can't wait until they run out of lives

Yui, Iris, and Tyler-🖕

Author- last question, Whooman wants to know if you would marry him

Yui- No, I have standards

Tyler- don't worry I'll marry you papi 😫

Whooman- thanks bro 😫

A.J- what about my sister

Tyler- if she's open for a poly relationship-

A.J- *throws Tyler into a wall*

Eve- no one can marry Yui but me!

Ivy- I will kill you Whooman

Whooman- wait we can talk about this-

*the whole studio blows up and everyone loses one of their lives*

Payton- whoops

Anna- great, now Rians dead. Let's go break Shiro the bad news lmfao

Rian- *gets resurrected by Charlie* hi

Ava- well shit

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