Chapter Nineteen - No-one Likes Hospital

Start from the beginning

“We just got some drinks and was going to bring them to the waiting room” Jacinta says.

“Thank you guys so much” I say, “My mum is up in the waiting room at the moment I just came down to get through”

“We asked at the reception where you were, so we were heading there now” Dean says.

“Thank you so much for coming it means the world,” I say

“You mean the world to us Tyler and we always have your back” Dean says.

“That’s right Tyler and don’t you forget it” Jacinta says, “Have you heard anything about Riya yet?”

“Nothing yet” I say.

I really hope by the time we get back that something has been said or we know if Riya is okay. I stress out because I feel like this is my entire fault. I wish I could have changed it or done something to fix this. We head back to the waiting room where Miranda is. We sit there talking for what feels like hours, or days even. We hear nothing for a long time. I wonder if mum has told Charlie about Riya I decide to ask.

“Have you told Charlie about Riya?” I ask.

“No I haven’t told your father he would just stress out and cause a scene” Miranda says.

“That’s true and we don’t need that at all,” I say.

“What actually happened with Riya today Tyler?” Miranda asks.

I don’t want to tell her the details about her and Saxon but I explain to her what happened when I was walking away and the cyclist hit her. I tell her how terrible I feel and how I take full responsibility for it. Which I do. I would never want to not be able to talk to Riya again. As much as siblings fight I don’t think any of us wish pain upon each other.

“Don’t blame yourself love” Miranda says, “Riya is a strong girl and will push through anything”

“Your right” I say.

Jacinta and Dean have both fallen asleep on the seats. We have been here for five hours now. They are such good friends coming and supporting us. I am very thankful to have them in my life. I should wake them up and tell them to go home, it’s not fair that they sit here when we could be here for another five hours. I stand up and walk in front of them, nudging them just a little. They both open their eyes slowly. They are half asleep.

“Guys it’s getting late you should go home we might be waiting all night” I say.

“Are you sure?” Dean mumbles.

“Of course I am sure, mum and I will stay here” I say, “Thank you so much for coming you two mean so much to me”

They both smile and stand up. They both hug me again and walk down the hall. I decide that I should call Diana because she has messaged me a few times and I don’t want her to think I am ignoring her. I walk down the hall towards the drink machine. I lean on it and pull out my phone and call Diana.

“Hello?” Diana says.

“Hi Diana how are you?” I say.

“I am good Tyler how are you?” Diana says.

“I am all right, I am so sorry I didn’t reply to your messages my sister is in hospital because she had a fall” I say.

“Oh my gosh is everything okay Tyler? Did you want me to come down?” Diana asks.

“No no it’s all fine we have been sitting here waiting for the doctor to come out and tell us she is fine, which of course she will be,” I say.

“Are you sure? I can come down now,” Diana says.

As much as I would love to see Diana I would like her to meet my family when it doesn’t involve situations like this. She is so caring and sweet I really cannot wait to see her again.

“It’s alright I thought I would just let you know I will message you when I know what’s going on, and hopefully if everything is all ok can I see you tomorrow if your free?” I say.

“Let me know what happens Tyler and of course you can see me tomorrow if not I will come visit you” Diana says.

“I better go I will message you soon” I say, “Bye Diana”

“I hope everything is ok Tyler, bye,” Diana says.

Diana is so kind and understanding I would love to see her tonight but again I feel like under these circumstances it’s not a good idea. I walk back to the waiting room with mum.

We sit there and my eyes are extremely heavy. I close them.

When I reopen them Miranda is standing with the doctor talking. She isn’t crying which is a good sign. I look at my phone I have been asleep for two hours. I stand up and walk over to the doctor and Miranda.

“She is fine, just a few stiches on her head and she was just knocked out” The doctor says.

I let out a sigh of relief. Riya is ok. She will be ok.

“Can I go see her” I interrupt.

“Of course just this way” The doctor says.

“You go in first Tyler and talk to her I will wait here and go in after you” Miranda says.

I nod and follow the doctor. I am nervous as all hell. Will Riya even want to talk to me? Will she tell me go away? I don’t want to fight with her anymore I want to forgive and forget. I will do this for Riya but not Saxon, not yet anyway. The doctor shows me too her room she has her eyes closed. I walk up to the side of her bed and sit on the chair next to her. I don’t want to wake her because she looks so peaceful. When she wakes up all I want to do is talk to her for hours and hours.

I am so happy that is will be fine. I start to close my eyes again but this time I am relieved that Riya is going to be fine.

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