Reader x sunstreaker x sideswipe

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The reader is the same as Elsa but has a different personality.

You had the power to control ice and snow. But nobody knew that you could, you didn't want them to call you a monster. only one Autobot knew of your powers because they had rescued you and saw you use them. You were walking around the base when you came across the twins ever since you came to the base they had taken an interest in you as you came closer the twins came over in their holo forms and went into your personal space and you started to get nervous your hands then started to get cold and you could feel them start to make ice on your fingertips. You then quickly turned around and fled to your room. Later during the day you went out for dinner and grabbed some cafeteria food and went to your table once at the table you sat down and started eating soon you felt two people seat down on both sides of you one was sunstreaker and the other was sideswipe they then started to eat and you cowered between them and tried to keep your powers from coming out but the Twins started talking and said: " hey sideswipe is it getting "colder" in here " sideswipe then said, "yes it is sunstreaker it's only supposed to be plus 27 outside so why does it feel like we are in a freezer" they then turned to you and stared at you expectantly you then tried to run but they caught you before you could leave and they dragged you back to their birth room you tried using your powers but they would not work, you then just let your self Be dragged along the hallway floor like a doll. Once to the berth room, the twins opened it and put you on the bed a said " show us what you can do "

You then let your powers free and made snow and built a tiny ice castle and covered the twins in snow. After you used your powers and made the snow disappear the twins then told you that they knew that you were different and decided to go tell Optimas they Won the bet and left you alone.

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