Bumblebee x reader

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You get up and go to school and catch up with your friend Jack trying to find him to  talk to him but he has been busy in robot fight club so you decide to follow him

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You get up and go to school and catch up with your friend Jack trying to find him to  talk to him but he has been busy in robot fight club so you decide to follow him

As you get on your bike you see him get on a motorcycle and drive away you follow him and see that he goes into a cliff with a secret door you follow into the cliff and see giant robots there is a big red and blue one and an orange and white, a green one and an adorable yellow and black one

Then the robots turn around and see you the yellow and black one starts beeping you can  understand it through it's saying it's another human it's kind of cute you then say thank you and tell him he is cute and he says you can understand me you say yes I can handsome and he blushes blue on his face and starts whirling and beeping make embarrassing noises you then see a tall robot come in he introduces himself as Optimus Prime and the others as ratchet bulkhead Arcee and bumblebee you then get bumblebee assigned as your guardian and you tell him that you are excited to be his charge and you then go on a ride with him in his alt mode and you become best of Freinds

A month later

You had developed a crush on the yellow robot but you didn't think he liked you but you were walking by his room and heard him beeping to himself saying that he didn't think that he was good enough for you and was wondering how to tell you he liked you so you barged through  the human door and he then started asking how much you heard and you say all of it and tell him that you like him to and tell him to pick you up he picks you up and you kiss his soft metal lips

Transformers one-shots (old) Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora