⠀⠀⤷ relationships

Start from the beginning


━ Lord of the House of Black. Esmerelda's father who used to be dead, but came back to life through the Doors of Death.

━ It takes Esmerelda a whole two books to find out who her real father is since Regulus had Kreacher send her to stay with Sirius after his death. After her discovery, she only knows him as a deceased Death Eater but she doesn't complain about it since her family's already super fucked up anyways 💀

━ After she first dreams of him in the Underworld and accidentally becomes an employee under Hades, she meets him in his designated torture zone over at the Fields of Punishment. Even though she vows to avoid him, she ends up meeting him again shortly after. Despite the fact that Regulus scares her during their first meeting, she quickly looks up to him and is blind to all the red flags he gives off.

━ Due to Esmerelda's naïve nature, she continues to be completely oblivious to the sort of person her father really is and is always quick to come to his defense when people talk poorly about him (ie. Remus and Sirius). They have a very close relationship despite the fact that he's stuck in the Underworld while she still belongs amongst the living. Esmerelda is always eager to please him and chat about her everyday life since that's what normal families do, and she's desperate to replicate that.

━ She loves her father so much that she was even willing to switch places with him after she dies, which could've resulted in her living an eternity in the Fields of Punishment. Thankfully, Hades and Hecate put a stop to it, and she's able to bring the two of them back to life.

━ She only finds out about how disturbed her father really is in Moros. Shortly after she brings him back to life, Regulus finally snaps and forcefully searches through her memories (and I write 'forcefully' because he was never giving her a choice in the first place). But despite all that, Esmerelda still continues to cling on to him and even willingly turns to a blind eye to what he's done. She never gets angry at him for the things he does and doesn't understand why people are so concerned for her.


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━ Exonerated Azkaban-escapee and member of the Order of the Phoenix. Esmerelda's uncle.

━ Sirius becomes Esmerelda's unprepared guardian after his brother's death, just shortly before he is framed. He had never once raised a child before and barely even knew how to raise himself, but he tries his best to raise Esmerelda even though he whole-heartedly believes she is the Antichrist. He even protects her identity, knowing that she would be put in danger if people find out who her real father is, so he claims to be her father instead to keep her safe (unaware that it was going to backfire since he would later be accused of being a mass-murdering Death Eater).

━ He soon warms up to her though as she does the same to him (and by that, I mean baby!Essie stopped having murderous temper tantrums every time he made a mistake). Sirius becomes even more protective over her when he realizes Regulus has been telling the truth about her other parentage. He becomes paranoid over the constant monster attacks and even starts to become distrustful towards Remus after he attempts to kill her during a full moon.

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