Get Up, Get Out

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The fluttering of Razz's wings only made Arny more nervous as they approached the colony once again.

He didn't feel like arguing. 'We already have a lot on our plate, we don't need a war between two parties.' Arny thought.

Arny shook his head, a headache quickly overwhelming his senses. Sleep deprived while fighting for your life wasn't a good match. He needed sleep, and deep down he knew that. But he refused, suppressing a yawn of exhaustion.

"You're going to have to explain this to Thomas." Arny gestured towards Razz, who was happily fluttering around Imani as she played with him.
"I know, and I will" Imani reassured.

Although he got Imani's word, somehow he knew he would get involved. He always does.

The gun men soon came into view. Once they saw the two, they immediately pointed their guns.

"Hold fire." Someone said behind the gun men. The men immediately put down their guns and stepped to the side, revealing Blaise.

"Thomas told me to wait for you guys. Make sure you got back safely." Blaise said, walking towards them, immediately noticing Razz.

"And who's this?" Blaise pointed to the friendly entity.

"Razz. Apparently our new pet." Arny said.

Blaise chuckled, "Alright, c'mon and I'll get you guys back to camp."

Arny nodded, following behind Blaise, Imani just behind them. His head was pounding.

"If you don't mind me asking, how'd you meet Thomas?" Blaise glanced behind him at Arny.

"I was.. uh.. I was running from a hound and he saved me." Arny informed, "He let me join his colony until I eventually convinced him to find the end with us."

"That's nice." Blaise said.

"Yeah, he only joined because I called him a coward." Arny nervously chuckled.

Blaise chuckled, "I'm sure he had other reasons too."

"I'm sure he did." Arny mumbled, rubbing his temple which now felt as if someone was stabbing his head with his own axe.

"Look who finally decided to show." Thomas greeted, leaning against the wall, his arms folded. His demeanor immediately changed once he noticed Razz.

"And what is that?" Thomas gritted his teeth.

'Here it comes.' Arny thought to himself, trying to clear all traces of him being sleep deprived.

"Razz. He's a deathmoth." Imani said, stepping in front of Arny, bringing Razz forward in the process.

"I can see that!" Thomas started to raise his voice, making Arny wince. His bruised back wasn't helping with the headache.

"I'll take care of him I promise! He can help us fight." Imani argued, also raising her voice.

"Another mouth to feed. Now we have to worry about six! We are not adopting this thing." Thomas exclaimed.

Arny noticed Blaise was silently stepping away from the situation, he wished he could to. But unfortunately he was stuck. It felt like he was stuck in so many things now a days.

"This "thing" is a he, and I promise I'll take care of him and worry about his food, please Thomas." Imani begged.

Thomas looked to Arny. 'Here it comes' He sucked in a breath. Readying himself to speak up. Thomas paused for a moment, examining Arny.

"We'll continue this in the morning. Get to bed, both of you." Thomas said, leaning against the wall once again.

Imani stepped forward, Razz following her.

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