"I'm just trying to protect you" said Eunwoo.

"No you're not" yelled Felix.

"I'm sorry Felix" he said and Felix heard how he walked away.

"Eunwoo" he yelled "Eunwoo" he yelled again "Open the damn door, you can't just leave me in here. This is kidnapp" he yelled while banging on the door "Eunwoo" he yelled again and again but it was useless because Eunwoo wasn't planning on opening that door.


Changbin had been waiting for Felix for the whole evening and when he didn't came to the apartment he got worried. He dialed Seungmin's number to see if he had heard anything from him, he also called Ryujin and no one knew nothing. Seungmin agreed to meet with him to help him find Felix.

"He's not picking up his phone, no one has seen him since this morning, he's not at the hospital, he's not at the clinic and he's not with his mother" said Changbin looking at Seungmin.

"Maybe his phone died" said Seungmin.

"It still doesn't make sense, if be wasn't coming he would have told me, he would have told you" said Changbin.

"We're talking about Felix" said Seungmin "He's basically the dumbest person we know, he could have forgotten to tell us" he added.

"No" said Changbin "He isn't that dumb Seungmin, he always picks up whenever I call him, he never goes anywhere with out telling you or telling me because that's how he feels safe" he added and Seungmin looked at him.

"Can you track his phone?" Said Seungmin.

"I mean I can try but unless the phone has a tracking app installed it can take hours" said Changbin opening his laptop "If the phone is off we won't be able to find anything" said Changbin.

"How much of a chance do have of tracking him down?" Said Seungmin.

"Like a fifty percent chance" said Changbin.

"Aren't we going a little too far? Maybe he's okay" said Seungmin.

"You can never go to far when it comes to the people you love" said Changbin "Believe me when I say this" he added.

"Is that what happened with you're husband?" Said Seungmin and Changbin looking at him "Felix told me" he added.

"I ignored the red flags, I'm not making the same mistake with Felix, I will do everything I can to make sure nothing happens to him" said Changbin.


The next day Felix woke up, he was laying on the floor. He stood up and tried to open the door but it was as useless as it was yesterday. Felix tried to open the window but it was also useless considering that they had metal bars that didn't allowed them to be opened. Felix started crying again, it's not like he ever stopped crying. The door was opened and Felix saw how Eunwoo entered the bedroom and looked the door right after .

"I brought you food, eat" he said looking at Felix, but Felix didn't want to eat.

"Let me go" he said crying.

"I can't do that" he said passing his hand through his cheeks, which Felix pushed away.

"Let me go. You can't just keep me here forever" he yelled and threw the food tray on the floor, Eunwoo looked at him and stood up from the bed to clean that up, once he fin he placed the tray on a desk "You can't keep me here" he said crying.

"I'm trying to protect you" he said getting close to Felix "I don't want anything bad to happen to you" said Eunwoo.

"Then just let me go" said Felix.

"I will, just not yet" he smiled looking at Felix, he placed  his hand on his thigh and slowly squeeze. Felix tried to move away. Eunwoo stood up and walk out of the bedroom making sure to lock it again. Felix was laying on the bed, he hugged himself and started crying in silence.


Next day

Changbin finally got the location of Felix phone. He went to his bedroom, put his vest on, grabbed a leather jacket and then he went to his closet to get his gun that was on a safe.

"You're bringing a gun?" Said Seungmin who had just followed him.

"He could be in danger" he said placing the gun on his vest.

"Yeah but you can't just go around with a gun" said Seungmin "Call the police, they will handle it" he added.

"Yes I can" said Changbin grabbing an identification from the safe "I have a license and I can carry my gun with me at all times because I work as a bodyguard" he said closing the safe "I don't always have it on me because I haven't been working ever since Jeongin died, but I'm allowed to have it on me at all time" he said showing him his identification.

"So what you're just gonna kill someone?" Said Seungmin.

"I'm not gonna kill anyone, I'm just taking my gun in case I need it" said Changbin and walked out of the bedroom.

They both got on Changbin's car, the location they got was an abandoned warehouse. As soon as they arrived Changbin took his gun out and started walking to the entrance. Meanwhile Seungmin was following and calling his phone. To their surprise the phone rang and they saw it on the floor. Changbin grabbed the phone only to see that it was broken. He looked around the small warehouse and he realized that no one was there.

"Damn it" said Changbin "He's not here" he added "He was never here, they just left the phone in here" said Changbin and Seungmin looked at him. He saw how tears rolled down his cheeks "Felix is not here, someone has him, he would never be in such a dangerous place, someone took him" he added "This was basically a dead end" he said.

"Calm down, we will find him" said Seungmin.

"You are really asking me to calm down? Someone kidnapped him and we have to idea of knowing who it was" said Changbin.

"Why would someone kidnap Felix?" Said Seungmin.

"Maybe to get back at me. I don't know. All I know is that he might be in danger and we have no idea where he is because we can't track him down" said Changbin throwing Felix phone on the ground.

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