Chapter 38. A poorly chosen lawyer

Start from the beginning

To ensure that, in the smallest chance, his brother might be the one to try and make a fuss because of the will, he had advised his father to take all the necessary steps to ensure its validity. There had even been two separate lawyers with him when he signed his will, from two separate well established lawyer firms, other than  his family's company. As such unfortunately no foul play could be suspected and contested by anyone... including himself.

So were he to affirm his disapproval, he would win nothing at all. He had really shot himself in the foot this time. The only choice left for him now was to congratulate his brother, establish a good relationship with him and think of contra measures for the future. Gritting his teeth, and with a glare towards his wife, so the woman could not voice her complaints, he also lowered himself to his brother's level and wished him all the best.

Only later, did Darren Langdon put the puzzle together as to why the will had been written like this by his father...

In fact William Monroe was the favored child of the master of the branch family, but because his father, as in Darren Langdon's grandfather, hadn't permitted him to recognize William Monroe as his child, he wasn't able to give William Monroe his family name as he had done for Darren. The master deeply regretted not being able to give his child the legitimacy he deserved, and let him keep being mocked by people. 

The problem was that his father was a child from the main line of the family so he felt it was beneath themselves to recognize a bastard child as one of their own, even if this was his own grandchild they were talking about. As long as William Monroe's grandfather was alive, his father's attempts to include him in the family were firmly blocked. 

But as soon as his own father, the great-grandfather of the branch family and younger brother of the great-grandfather of the main family, had passed away the master of the branch family had secretly planned to pass on the majority of his assets to his eldest son. This was perhaps his biggest revenge as he was not permitted to wed the love of his life, William Monroe's mother.

In a sense it could be said that, even though William Monroe was unrecognized as a legitimate child of the branch family, in essence he owned most of its assets, after the will was opened.

In a sense it could be said that, even though William Monroe was unrecognized as a legitimate child of the branch family, in essence he owned most of its assets, after the will was opened

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Darren Langdon, hadn't suspected at all his father's intentions, hadn't known this fact only until after the latter's death. Unsatisfied with his father because of the injustice of not receiving the family's inheritance, even though he owned the family's name and his brother did not, he still covered his bitter feelings towards William Monroe, and acted cordially towards him for the following years. 

He became so close to the latter, that he was entrusted by William Monroe to keep on running the companies on his behalf, as he was a school teacher and did not really have experience at all in handling them or at least the wish to do so.

Along with his naïveté, his profession had also been another reason for which Darren Langdon had not considered William Monroe as his rival for the leadership. The latter had taken a different career path than the one fit for the presidency.

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