Chapter 12

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From: Daddy Long Legs

     After the movie screening, it was reported that the staff crew found three corpses of high-school students. The cause of death was increased intracranial pressure and respiration paralysis, which resulted in head deformation.

I was reading a text message from Satoru when Rimei barged inside my room with a bag of snacks in her arms.

"So? When is Gojo going to give Yuji a real mission outside the campus?" she asks as she sat next to me on my bed, turning on the television to pick a movie.

"Beats me. Who knows what's going on in his mind?" I retorted.

"...but I do hope he'll give this one to Yuji," I added, handing over my phone to let her read the text message I got from Satoru.

"Daddy Long Legs?"

"Huh-oh! Wait, what? I lent it to you so you could read the message!" I reacted.

"Yeah, I've read it already... but his name in your contacts makes me kind of concerned," Rimei chuckled as she returned the phone.


We were just about to play the movie that Rimei have chosen when we heard someone knocking against the door.

"Come in. It's unlocked," I responded.

Satoru then appeared in front of us.


"What brings you here?"

Satoru closed the door behind him as he walked inside the room.

"Yuji's going out with Nanamin, and yes... they're done with the introduction," he informed.

"...and? You want us to come?" Rimei asked back.

"I'm more than a hundred percent sure that the two of them can handle the incident that has occurred," I remarked.

"I know that. But I still want the both of you to come with them," he says.

I shot rimei a knowing look before giving Satoru a slight nod to let him know we'll go.

"Alright. I guess we have some work to do today. Let's use my Midnight, Mimi!" I cheered while cleaning up the mess in my room.

"I'll drive,"

"I didn't forget that I hid Midnight's key around the school to decide who will get to drive her after the Goodwill Event, but that was a great attempt if you ask me," I chuckled as I took Angelus' key from my nightstand drawer. "...but you can drive Angelus today because I'm sleepy," I added softly.

"Take care, Rimei, and Haru!" Gojo kindly said after messing with our hairs using both of his hands.

"We will. Thank you," Rimei replied.

"They're by the front gate!" he reminded us as we left to go to the school's parking lot where Angelus displays her beauty.

"Oh? Nanami and Itadori are here already," I heard Rimei mumble.

"Yep. That's what Satoru said,"

I tossed her the keys as I sat on the driver's seat while finding a comfortable position to sleep on our way to the cinema to help investigate the incident that took place there.

"Wake me up when we get there," I said before leaning against the headrest to take a nap.



I heard a soft voice calling me.

"Oi, Rua!"

Tied In Between [JJK x OC] • 𝙧𝙚𝙫𝙚𝙧𝙨𝙚𝙙 𝙝𝙖𝙧𝙚𝙢 •حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن