"A daughter?" He cuts her off. She has a daughter? "How old is she?"

She hates this, but she knows she needs to at least humor him so he'll do what she wants. "She's 13, she was on a trip with her school. Please Jack? I want to make sure she's safe."

He pretends to think for a moment, scrunching up his nose. "I don't know, whats in it for me?" Hes going to do it, hes just playing with her a bit. "Give me a kiss and I'll take her home, deal?"

She frowns. "Deal, just make sure she gets home safe please, she's still my baby."

Jack grins, nodding. "Don't worry, I'll make sure she's alright. Now, about that kiss."

"Okay okay, Mr. Impatient, close your eyes." She silently sighs as Jack closes his eyes, waiting patiently like a school boy playing spin the bottle. She cranes her neck a bit and gives him a quick peck on the lips before dropping back down to her spot. "There, now please go get Keys, I think her planes gonna land soon."

Jack pouts a bit disappointed the kiss didn't last longer, but agrees none the less. "You're staying in our room while I'm gone, just in case." He stands up, proud of his slight win. "I'm gonna get dressed then go get Keys, you can watch the TV in our room until I get back, there's a bathroom attached. Is there anything you need from the old house?"

"My medication please, antidepressants and birth control, and my own clothes please." She stands up, crossing her arms over her chest.

"Don't like my clothes? But you look so cute and little in them." He grabs her hand before she can smack him, laughing. "Okay okay, your pills and clothes. I'll grab your jewelry too, I think you'll look pretty with something shinier than earrings and a nose piercing." He kisses the hand he has a grip on and pulls her towards the bedroom.


Jack hops into his car, having made sure Ross was locked in the bedroom before he even left the house, as he pulls out his cellphone and calls Clef.

"Hey Jackie, what's up?"

"Ross has a daughter, I'm picking her up from the airport right now. What should I do?"

"..... a daughter? Great, we're step dads... fuck uhh..... Take her home, set her up in the guest room, tell her her moms really sick so she can't see her just yet when you get back there."

"Got it. Is it bad that I'm excited? I don't get to spend time with Meri so...."

"I understand, don't worry. Try not to smother the kid to death so soon. Whats the kids name?"

"Keys, she's 13 and plays the violin, she's flying in from a concert in New York."

"Damn, she must be smart. Looks like we don't need to dig into who Keys is though. I gotta get back to work, love you."

"Love you too, be safe."


Jack waits by the exit gate of the airport for Keys, watching everyone exiting like a hawk. Ross showed him pictures of her, and he had her message him on her phone to go and pick her up before he confiscated it, and he had her message Keys too with a picture of him, just for good measure.

When a good chunk of kids have walked out of the airport Keys comes out with her teacher, showing the old man her phone as she points to Jack. They both approach Jack, the teacher quirking an eyebrow. "Hello Doctor, I'm Keys teacher, Mr. Gray. Pleasure to meet you."

"The pleasure is mine sir. Sorry we had to meet under these circumstances, Ross is really sick and doesn't want Keys to catch it."

"Its quite alright, Dr. Lori is a very attentive parent, I'm just glad everything is sorted out. Do have Dr. Lori add you and anyone else to Keys pick up list though, just in case. We don't want any accidents."

SCP Yandere Clef x Bright x OCWhere stories live. Discover now