"I'd rather die than win by cheating," Mirko said proudly, "and I'll stand to that anytime."

"I'm starting to like you more," Wally approved, "And I agree, mostly... There's some villains I know who I'd say don't deserve their powers anymore...but, I mean, they were, like...next level. Nothing like these guys. Ones who'd destroy the world if you didn't stop them...and I mean just by brute force, not with a plan... I think that's when you might have to throw fair play out the window. They won't fight fair."

"I can't imagine any one person being that powerful," Mirko said.

Wally decided not to clarify in front of the people who didn't know that it was because they were aliens.

"Well, anyway, mostly I'd say your right," he said, "And to be honest, it's kind of nice to hear a Pro with some integrity about that. UA's kind of...not really making me an optimist about the amount of honor they teach young heroes."

"How so?" Hawks said.

"You should have seen the joint training," Wally said.

"I think Likstar ranted about that," Spinner said.

"It was awful," Wally said, "One kid almost got choked out. Someone grew a mushroom in his throat."

Everyone grimaced, even the ninja.

"Gross," Medea murmured.

"Another one had a building dropped half on him. And do the teachers stop it? No. Then someone's quirk went berserk, and they didn't even stop the match. Poor kid was really traumatized by it. Shine and I couldn't believe it when we heard. And that's to other heroes! It's just sad."

"I find that surprising," Mirko said, "Not that I'm above dropping a building on someone...but another hero? In training? UA really is crazy these days."

"Still, they can't get those kids ready soon enough," Hawks said.

Wally didn't like the sound of that.

"Sick," the ninja muttered, "All of you should be purged."

"Can we gag her if we don't torture her?" Compress said, annoyed.

"Actually, I'd like to talk to her," Wally said, "but in private...if that's okay with all of you."

"It's not," Shigaraki said.

"I don't truly care, Shiggy. I just was being nice," Wally said.

"Shiggy?" Shigaraki repeated, with total disgust.

"Right, so I'm going to do that." Wally picked up the ninja and dragged her into the back room.

Mirko shamelessly went up and put her ear to the wall.

* * *

"How did you know Shine and I were quirkless?" Wally asked.

The ninja looked at the floor. "I have no interest in talking to you about that."

"What do you have an interest in, then? Staying alive, I hope," Wally said, "I don't know how long I can protect your life from those criminals if you don't give us something. I can try, but it's not a good situation right now."

"The only thing we should be discussing is whether you will join our righteous cause," the ninja said.

Wally sighed. "Look...uh, what's your name?"

She stared at him stonily.

"Okay...I'm gonna call you...Karen. Can I call you Karen?" Wally said.

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