Chapter 52: The Dead Live (Christians POV)

Start from the beginning

I woke up, seeing that it was a bit bright out side, as I was a bit worried that I might have slept in. I was a bit lost at the same time as well how ever, as I knew the windows were all boarded up even if it was day time, and it should for sure not be this bright in the room that I had fallen asleep in with all of the others that had been with me just the night before.
I blinked a few times, as I lifted my self up from off of the ground at the exact same time too, as I was not all too sure as to what it was that was going on with me at this very moment in time, as it was quite a bit hard for me to get my self up, due to the fact that I suppose it was just so early, and I had woken up, but for some odd reason or another how ever, my body just seemed to feel very weak.
That was not normal at all, as I knew that for a fact. I knew that I was not all that buff of a guy, but I was in amazing shape with out a doubt, so it should not be this rough for me to get out of my bed, even if I had slept on the floor last night, and my muscles were aching just a bit, it really should not be this hard for me to get my self out of my bed in the first place any ways.
I gulped just a bit, as I shook off all of those thoughts all at the same time too, as I blinked my eyes just a few times all at once, as I saw that when I looked up above me, that I was not in the place that I had even slept in at all last night in fact. I had noticed that the ground that had been beneath me had in fact been quite a bit rough, but I now noticed as to why, as the ground that had been below me, had been a concrete ally way.
I looked around the ally way for just a few moments, as I felt like the ally way that I was in at this very moment in time was quite a bit familiar to me for some odd reason or another at the exact same time too, though I really could not get that good of a grasp as to why that might be so in the first place, as I tilted my head just a bit, looking all around me.
It was starting to all of the sudden come back to me, as to why it was so familiar in the first place, though my mind, and my head seemed to be a little bit off at this very moment in time, as all of my thoughts seemed to be quite a bit foggy, which was normal for the fact that I had just woken up. Just as I got a bit of a grasp as to why the place was so familiar to me in the first place, my mind set went to some thing else.
That was of course, how the hell I had got to this place that I was at, at this very moment in time in the first place. I had not fallen asleep here, I knew for a fact, so the only way that I had some how managed to get here, was due to the fact that I might have slept walked to where it was that I was at right now, which also did not make all that much sense to me either, as I knew that I had locked the door to the room, and bolted in shut just in case.
The only way I could have got here was if the man had some how lifted my entire body out of the room, and in to the ally way that I was stuck in at this very moment in time. If that was the case, than would it not have made more sense than just to kill me? Besides, I knew that I would have woken up to the fact that there was sound nearby me, much less the fact that some one had managed to lift me up and carry me all the way out of a church.
I shook off all of those thoughts all at once at the same time as well, as I then heard a bit of some noise come from not all too far away from me, as it sounded like there was some thing that was going through a nearby trash can. I was a little bit lost at first, as to just what it was that it could be, as I had to assume that it might be a rat.
As I turned my head over to it how ever all at the same time as well, I saw that it was not a rat at all that had made that noise, as I saw that it was a person that had made all of that rockus that had made all of that noise. I was a bit shocked at first, all at the same time too, as I realized that the person was not just any person, but the person was a young girl, that looked to be around the age of 10, which was exactly the way that Daniel had described her to me.
I all of the sudden got a little bit excited, and a bit over the top at the exact same time as well, for some odd reason or another, which was not normal for me at all, as I began to go over to the girl all at once as well, which I felt was a bit of a terrible idea none the less, especially in the world that we lived in now, as I knew for a fact that any smart person would shoot at me.
I tried to stop my self, but I could not do such a thing, as it did not seem to be at all that I had any sort of control over my self at this very moment in time, as I was not all too sure as to what it was that I was doing. I walked over to her with a bit of a stumble at the exact same time too, as if I was some kind of drunk, which I also knew not to be the case, as I had given up on drinking quite a bit of some time ago.
I was trying to stop, but I could not, as I all of the sudden got some sort of urge to eat some thing at the exact same time too, as I noticed that my stomach was rumbling. I felt it a bit odd, as I was not all too sure as to why I had my mind on those thoughts all at once none the less, as I just kept on going right over to the little girl that was going through the trash.
The girl was looking all through it, as if she was looking for some thing in particular, which I was not all too sure as to what it was that it could be, that she might be looking for in the first place. I felt like all at the exact same time as well, that I too was looking for some thing, as I could still hear my stomach grumbling. Yes... Me and her had some thing in common, we both needed some thing.
That some thing was food in my case, as I saw a tasty snack right in front of me. I felt a bit sick to even be thinking that way, as I did my best to try to shake off all of those thoughts, and try to perhaps talk to the girl, to let her know that I was right behind her at this very moment in time none the less. For some reason, my brain was just not letting me speak at this very moment in time how ever.
I kept on slowly going over to the young girl, as it was clear that she had not a clue as to the fact that I was right behind her at this very moment in time, slowly edging my way closer and closer to her, as I could not wait to get a free meal. The girl began to speak, which at first I thought that she might be talking to me, and that she might know that I was right behind her, and that she was trying to stop me.
She did not stop me how ever, as I just kept on going right over to the little girl, as I seemed to have no sort of remorse for it either. I gave up on the fact that I was trying to stop my self, as body kept on stumbling as it walked, as if I was in some sort of sleep paralysis, except I was in a bit of a sleep paralysis as to where I could move, but I could not control as to where I was moving, nor could I speak to the girl.
I just kept on going, as I tried my best to just shake off all of the strange thoughts that were going on through my head at the exact same time too, as I did not stop my self at all, such as I wanted to. The girl continued to keep on speaking at the same time too, as I could now tell that she did not have a clue as to the fact that I was right behind her right now. I listened as to what it was that the girl had to say, either way, as I really did not have much of any other choice.
"Damn it! This city is useless! I'm hungry!" The girl said, a bit quietly at the same time too, as if she did not want me to hear a word that she had just said to me on the first place, at the exact same time too. That was not the case at all for her sadly how ever, as I did in fact hear every word that she had just said to me in the first place none the less.
It did not stop me either, as I was now about 15 feet behind her. I too felt a bit of the way that she did, not on the fact that I cared all too much on the city that we were in right now, but it was more to the fact that we both seemed to agree on one thing or another, which was the fact of course, that the both of us were a fair bit hungry. I still was not all too sure as to why I was going over to the girl, rather than my bag if I was hungry how ever.
I looked at the girl for perhaps half of a second, as I all of the sudden realized as to the fact that not only was I hungry, but there also was a reason as to the fact that I had thought that there was food right in front of me. There in fact was food for me in this case, as it seemed like the food that I was looking for at this very moment in time, was the little girl her self.
I could not stop my self either, as much as I wanted to, and as much as I tried to do so, as it was a bit too late at this point in time, as I was very stingy for my next meal. I groaned quite a bit loud at the exact same time too, as the groan that I had seemed to let out, was quite a bit of a familiar groan, that I had heard before, but not from my self, as I knew that it was quite a scary groan to hear none the less, at the exact same time too.
It was clear that the young girl had also heard the load groan that I had just let out all at the exact same time too, as I saw her all of the sudden turn her head over to me. As soon as I saw her turn her head over to me, I immediately saw a look of pure fear in her eyes, which I did not blame her for at the exact same time too, as I knew as to what it was that Daniel had told me had happened to his wife and kids.
I was a groan man, and it was clear that the little girl was a bit afraid as to what it was that I was about to do to her. I kept on drawing a little bit closer to the girl still, as if I still had not got to the point, as to the fact that I knew that this was a very bad idea to be walking up on a little girl like this one, as I knew that it was not a good first look for the girl at all, I knew for a fact.
I did not seem to be all too worried about that at all how ever, as I looked right at the girl in her eyes, as I seemed to see fear in those eyes, for a different reason that the one that there was a grown man that was walking up on her at this very moment in time. It was clear that the girl was afraid of me for a much different reason, as I saw the little girl reach her self down to try to grab some thing that was below her.
From the corner of my eye, I saw that she was reaching in to a bag, but I did not look down to see as to what it was that she was trying to grab for some odd reason or another, as my eyes were focused right on the girls face for some odd reason or another, as I kept on getting closer and closer to her, as I was no more than 5 feet away.
Just as I got close to her, I then all of the sudden saw just as to what the reason was as to the fact that she was reaching down to pull some thing out of the bag that was below her. The girl had a gun, as I was about to jump back and try to dodge the pellets of the shot gun, but I once again kept on going for some odd reason or another, as it was still clear to me that I still did not have control over my self at all.
The girl was still a bit fearful of me, as I immediately saw the girl pull the shot gun out, and aim it right at my chest. As soon as the girl had done such a thing at the same time too, the girl all of the sudden then fired off a single shot right at me. As soon as she did, that was when I was knocked back a little, which I was not sure if that was due to me doing it my self, as I was in such shock that I had been shot, or if it were due to the fact that the gun had knocked me back that much.
I stood there for a second or so, as I expected to feel a sharp amount of pain, or fall the the ground due to the fact that I was bleeding out, but that was not the case at all how ever, as I had to assume that had to be due to the fact that I was in a bit of an adrenaline rush. I shook off all of those thoughts, as I got my focus back on the fact that I was so hungry, and that there was in fact food right in front of my eyes.
I saw that the girl had a bit of some recoil on the gun shot at the exact same time as well, as she dropped it down a bit low to the ground. The girl noticed that it had not done all too much to me at all at the exact same time too, as she reached down to grab the gun, and fire another shot at me, to try to knock me back a little bit more.
The girl was running out of time how ever, as I had my mouth open wide at the exact same time too, as I was ready to eat my meal now. I reached my hand out to grab her, but at the exact same time too, as soon as I was about to grab the girl, that was when I heard a gun shot once again. I once again did not feel any pain at all, which I had to assume was due to the fact that I had so much adrenaline pumping through me at this very moment in time.
I did how ever, notice the fact that I fell down to the ground all of the sudden, as it did not take me all too long for me to realize as to where it was that the girl had shot me this time, as I realized that she had shot me right on my leg, as I started my deep plunge on to the rough concrete that was beneath me all at the exact same time too, as I all of the sudden did some thing else at the exact same time as well.
That was of course, the fact that I still felt quite a bit hungry, and I did not care about any thing else but the fact that I needed to get my meal, as I then all of the sudden grabbed on to the girls leg, as it was a bit funny to me as to that at the exact same time too, for some odd reason or another, as the girl had in fact just shot me right on one of my own legs not too long ago.
The little girl tried to push off of me, but I was far too strong for her to get away from me, as I started to pull the little girl closer to me, reaching my mouth out to take a few bites out of the little girls leg, not caring if I had to go through the jeans at all to get over to the meat. Meat was all that I seemed to care about right now... Raw meat that was of course...
The girl fell down to the ground, as she dropped the bag and the gun at the exact same time as well, as she started to kick me in on my head, over and over again, as if that was going to stop me from biting in to her. It did slow me down quite a bit, but it really did not stop me from getting a bit in to her flesh at the bottom of her calf, as I took a quick and yummy bite in to her.
The girl began to yell, screeching in pain, as it was clear that what I was doing right now hurt her a lot, which I would assume so, as I could see the blood squirting out from the spot that I had just bit in to her at, as it seemed to only make me feel even better, as well as the fact that it made me feel even more hungry, as I began to chew on the meat that I had bit in to, as I then began to gulp it down all of the sudden.
Once I had got that out of the way, I then reached my head down to take another bite of the girls flesh. The girl began freaking out once again, which did in fact annoy me quite a bit, as she began to screech, and yell at the top of her lungs at the exact same time too. I felt like I did not have much of a choice but to listen as to what it was that the little girl had to say, which I did in fact do as such.
"Some please! Help me!" The girl yelled as loud as she possibly could, as if she thought that some one might all of the sudden come to save the day, and shoot me right in the head, stopping me right on the spot. It did not matter any ways how ever, as I had already bit in to the girl at this point, and she was going to turn in to one of the dead, such as I was right at this moment.
I was a little bit lost on those kind of thoughts at the exact same time too, as I was not too sure as to what it was that I was even thinking at this very moment in time, as I knew that I was not one of the dead, surely right? I might very well could be, as I was not all too certain as to what it was that happened to a person once they did in fact become one of the dead, as I had never put all that much thought in to it.
The girls father, Daniel, could have easily killed me, and put me in this spot that I was in at this very moment in time, which led to the own demise of his own daughter. I was not all too sure as to what exactly the thought process was on the dead, as soon as they became one of the dead at the exact same time too, as I had always assumed that they just did not have brains at all, even though the only way to kill them was a bullet to the brain.
I thought it was kind of crazy, as I gave up on the thought process that I had in my head at this very moment in time, as it seemed like my mind set was going all over the place at this very moment in time, and that there was not all too much that I could do to try to stop my self either, clearly, as I had tried to stop my self time and time again, but it had worked to no sort of avail at all.
I kept on biting in to the girls leg, as I could just hear her crying now, as it seemed like she had now taken in her destiny, as she knew what was going to happen to her now, as I saw that she had her head laid back a bit, and she was just crying, as her head was staring up at the sky at this very moment in time, as if she was looking to God, in hopes of finding some sort of hope from the man that had done this to us.
I felt a bit bad for the girl, but that still did not stop me from biting more in to the little girls leg at all how ever, as it was clear that she did not care any more at all, which really did not upset me, because I really did not like to have to fight back against my prey if I was not going to lie to my self at the exact same time too none the less, as I shook off any, and all of the thoughts that I had been thinking all at once.
I took another bite, but I then all of the sudden stopped my self all at the exact same time as well, as I lifted my head up all of the sudden, as I heard a bunch of noise coming from not all too far away from me at the exact same time too. I turned my head over to the direction that I had heard all of the nosie coming from in the first place, as I then saw what it was.
There was more of us... Though I really did not want to share my food with all of them, I really felt like I did not care all too much how ever, as I then looked away from all of my friends that had come to join me in this meal in the first place. I kept my eyes on the meat that I was biting in to at this very moment in time, as it tasted oh so nice, and it tasted oh so fresh as well.
After just a few more moments as well, I then saw all of my friends hop on top of the girl that I was biting in to at this very moment in time, as we all joined each other in the fact that we had a nice and good meal. I kept all of those thoughts on me, as all at the exact same time too, I suddenly noticed every thing become dark, and black, which I wondered if that were due to the fact that I was being surrounded at this very moment.

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