chapter nine

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Maya had a pretty boring day. It wasn't really busy. Though she had enjoyed it as she just really organized the books and made them look very nice and aesthetic looking.

Sam walked into the shop and waved at her. "Hey Maya!" he smiled at her and went up to the counter where she was at

"Hey Sam" Maya smiled and looked at her watch time and said, "it's three pm, what time do you go to bed?"

"Oh you don't want to know," Sam said and chuckled a bit. "So where did you go with George?"

"Just went back to his apartment and we watched friends," Maya said and she smiled and added "and then we both fell asleep"

Sam looked at her and said, "okay so-"

"Be quiet" Maya said, she knew what he was going to say. "We are just friends and that's it" and she checked out a customer and she smiled saying "that is such a great book, you will like it a lot"

The customer smiled and responded "thanks" and they took the bag and left the store.

"Sure," Sam said sarcastically and he picked up a book that was on the counter, on display, and flipped through it. "The one where they don't know they like each other"

"Oh shut it," Maya said and rolled her eyes, "George is nice and funny when he isn't avoiding everyone"

"Yeah, our neighbors were shocked to see him not looking dead inside" Sam responded

Maya shrugged a bit and said "he is nice, and just not understood by our neighbors. Also hiding for a month doesn't help his case, anyway, what are you doing here?"

"I took off today," Sam said and he smiled saying "I'm here to visit my favorite friend"

"Are you here to annoy me?" Maya asked

"You know me so well," Sam said with a huge grin on his face. "Plus I'm bored just staying at my apartment also because it's a boring place to be"

Maya sighed and shook her head a bit. She checked her watch and said, "okay I get off in an hour so you can read for an hour, and then we can go and do something okay?"

Sam smiled and said "Great! I will be over there reading something" and he went over to where some chairs were set up and he grabbed a book and started reading.

An hour passed and Sam was still reading when Maya walked over to him. "Hey" she smiled saying "you ready to go? I just clocked out"

"Yep!" Sam smiled and said "let's go" and they both left the bookstore.

Maya had to go to her apartment to grab some water and to eat some food. She was sitting at the kitchen table and Sam was sitting across from her.

"How is your sister doing?" Sam asked

"She is doing good, " Maya smiled said "She is trying to figure out what uni she is going to go to and what she might study"
"That's great!" Sam smiled and added "so... Are we going to talk about the elephant in the room?"

"What elephant in the room?" Maya asked and took a bite of her sandwich.

"You and George," Sam grinned. "I mean I don't know him that well and he is well an interesting human being, but you seem happy when you hang out with him"

"Okay we have hung out twice and the first time we got into an argument," Maya said "plus I think he is dating someone" she lies.

Sam sighed a bit and responded "okay... We should play pool when you finish eating"

Maya smiled and said, "you know I'm going to beat you right?"

"Okay miss took twenty times to get a ball in the hole" Sam rebutted and had a small smirk on his face

"Oh shut it, you took double that" Maya responded and laughed a bit

"Oh you are on Gilbert, I'm going to win this pool game"

"Sure Samuel" Maya grinned and she did end up winning the game.

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