chapter five

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George put down and sighed a bit. He should go to brunch. He hasn't seen his family in a while and it would probably be good to see them.  He was thinking about what had happened earlier today with Maya and felt a bit bad for snapping at her. She was just trying to be nice.

There was a knock on the door and he got up to answer it, he looked through the peephole and was honestly expecting to see Maya but they were not. It was Bill.

George opened the door as Bill came in without letting George say anything.

"George! You haven't answered any of my letters, I had to hear from mom that you just got up and left" Bill said

George groaned a bit and he closed the door saying "I'm an adult, I can go where I please" and he sat down and Bill sighed and he sat down next to him.

Bill looked around the apartment studying it and evaluating the place and was studying every single detail. "George, look  this place is pretty nice"

George was ready for Bill to go into some long and dramatic speech about how he should go back home and all that. "Oh.. um thanks."

"I like the.. Um.. the crushed up letters in the trash can" Bill said and joked a bit and he smiled at George.

"Thanks, it's the spot where annoying things go" George joked back and he chuckled a bit and actually smiled.  "See there is your letter in the rightful spot"

Bill laughed a bit and said "that is good you are still joking around" and then Bill got all serious and softly said "are you going to come to brunch tomorrow? I think you should go, mom, everyone misses you a lot."

"Of course, this is all about what is going on." George softly said, "look I promise you i'm fine, how did you even find me"

"You know Hermione's parents are dentists and they do talk to their patients, and a certain patient talked about living in an apartment building with a certain resident who talks to themselves and is a redhead. I took a guess from there." Bill said and smiled a bit.

George sighed a bit and softly said "great.. Look Bill I-"

Bill said "Look George, I have every right to worry about you, you remember the last time I went to the shop apartment-"

"Bill, that is nothing to worry about, okay?" George softly said,  "It's not going to happen again and I'm fine."

"Are you talking to someone?" Bill softly said "The war was hard on everyone and even Harry looked into talking someone and-"

"Look I don't need to talk to anyone about anything" George snapped "I'm perfectly fine"

Bill looked at him and said "You can't avoid talking about Fred forever you know that right? He wouldn't want that." He softly said "He wouldn't want you to wallow in your sadness."

George looked at his brother and knew he couldn't lie to his brother. "I just...I don't know what to do. I feel like I have been so lost and I just.. I feel alone"

Bill softly said "It is going to be okay, I promise. Maybe you should move back in with our parents. It might be good for you."

"No, I just need space. I just need to not live in the same room he and I shared" George softly said

"I know it has only been a month but you need to go and make some friends, go out more once in a while" Bill softly said and said "Okay? Just.. try."

George softly said "I will be at lunch tomorrow, I should see the family and all that jazz, plus mom always makes the best food during these things and it's way better than frozen dinners" and he chuckled and smiled. 

Bill smiled happily and said "good good, I'm glad you will be there tomorrow. I have missed seeing you, even if you are annoying." He joked

George smiled and said "I'm a delight to be around and you know it" 

Bill chuckled a bit and George asked "So how are you and Fleur doing?"

"We are both doing good" Bill smiled a bit and softly said "She is coming to lunch tomorrow and you two can talk some more then, speaking of food. Have you eaten yet?"

"I had breakfast" George said "I even had it with a person and then I snapped at them and I left"

Bill sighed a bit and softly said "That was a while ago, how about I get some food for us okay? I can go and get some food for us"

George softly said "Hey, I can order in. I have a house phone here and you can order food and have the, bring it to you"

"Thats awesome" Bill smiled and said "That sounds like a good idea"

George got up and grabbed the phone that was sitting on its stand and pulled out a phone book, looked through it and then called. He was on the phone for only a few minutes and then ended the call.  He sat down next to Bill.

"I wish I could tell you that I haven't been spending all my time in this place, but I have. I have just been laying in bed and not really going out besides random times, food, groceries and this morning." George softly said. "But that would be lying, I did go out for breakfast but then as you know I yelled at her."

"You should go apologize to her."Bill reasoned "I mean why did you even agree to go out to breakfast with her"

"I don't know.. She was- I mean is. She is nice" George softly said "and I just.. I thought she was just trying to talk to me because she pitied me or something."

"No one pities you George," Bill gently said "we are all just worried, and you look like a mess"

George nodded a bit and said "I should apologize to her.. I just don't know what to say to her."

"Maybe a simple sorry would be a good start" Bill softly said

George nodded and was trying to think of ways to make it up to Maya, well to at least apologize to her. There was a knock on the door and it was the food, George got up and went and got the food and gave the delivery person the money.  He put the pizza box on the kitchen table and Bill came over and sat down with George.  They ate dinner together and then Bill left.

After Bill had left George had a lot of thinking to do.  Mostly about how now he has to go back home for lunch on friday. He was hoping that it wouldn't go wrong and hopefully would go well.

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