chapter two

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George stood there at the door, he didn't know what to say. He stood there for what he felt like hours not knowing what to say. In reality, it was about a minute or so

"Um, are you okay?" She said and looked at George. She had never really seen George before. She knew that he had been living here for the past month but never talked to him. She and the other residents had talked about him before that he was like a ghost and no one really sees him leave or enter the apartment. A couple of people have seen him talk to himself. Her neighbor across the hall, Samuel, also known as Sam, has seen George a few times and George was talking to himself during those times too. "My name is Maya, I live down the hall" and Maya pointed down the hall to her door. "I was baking and realized I didn't have any more sugar," She explained.

"Yeah yeah... Um, come in" George softly said, "I should have sugar somewhere." He let Maya into his apartment and went to the cabinet to find the sugar.

Maya looked around and the first thing she noticed was the pile of letters on the kitchen table. She also noticed how dark it was in George's apartment. It was obvious that George did not leave the apartment very often. She didn't really know what to say. To the whole floor they lived on, George was pretty much like a ghost. Sometimes people forget that there was someone living in his apartment until they hear him talking to himself late at night.

"Here is the sugar" George grabbed out a bag of sugar. He didn't really know why he bought the sugar. It was just a thing he thought he would eventually use but never did. He gave her the whole bag and said "you can keep it"

Maya smiled and softly said "thanks" and she looked at George and could tell that he was very broken inside. The look in his eyes, it took a lot out of her not to just pull George in a tight hug. "What's your name? You have been living here for a while"

".. George.. George Weasley, nice to meet you" George had said no louder than a whisper. It was clear he was not in the talking mood.

"I should get going," Maya softly said "Nice to meet you George" and she left the apartment, closing the door behind her.

The first thing Maya did after she left George's apartment was to knock on Sam's apartment. She knocked on the door rapidly and then the door opened.

Sam said "Jesus, what has gotten into you. Are you trying to knock down my door or something?" as he let Maya in and closed the door. "And why do you have a whole bag of sugar?"

Maya put down the sugar and said "I've met him" and she sat down.

Sam sat down across from her and asked "met who exactly?"

"8-C" Maya responded, the other residents on the floor had nicknamed George 8-C as it was the apartment number he was staying at and no one knew his name.

"You met him?" Sam said and was now very interested in what Maya was saying, "and? What's his name and what is his deal? I have seen twice and on both occasions, he was talking to himself and looked like bloody insane"

"Okay to answer your first question, his name is George Weasley," Maya responded and then softly said "and to answer your second question he isn't insane. Well, I don't think he is. He just seems very alone."

"Yeah because we never see him leave his apartment" Sam reasoned. "So he isn't crazy? I mean Peggy has heard him talk to himself at night" Peggy was an older lady living in the complex, she is also in-room 8-B which is right next door to him.

"He just... He looks very broken" Maya softly responded, and had a look on her face that Sam immediately recognized.

"I know what you are thinking" Sam started to say and was about to argue with Maya

"He is alone, and obviously isn't okay" Maya started to say

"Maya you can't fix everyone" Sam softly said and looked at Maya.

"I don't want to fix him, Sam," Maya tried to reason with him. "I just. He needs some friends and he obviously needs to leave his apartment more than maybe once a week at the best."

"Maya, I know that look," Sam said and looked at Maya. They have known each other for years and sometimes can tell what the other is thinking. "You care too much about people and that can end up with you getting hurt. We don't know anything about George, he obviously hasn't accepted help from others because he has been locked up and alone in his apartment. I just want to make sure you know what you are getting yourself in"

Maya smiled at Sam and confidently responded with "I know what I am getting myself in. He needs help and more importantly, he needs a friend. Plus our floor always gets together every other Friday and we all go out to a pub and hang out. I have three days until then and maybe I can convince George he should come with us. That he isn't as alone as he thinks he is"

Sam sighed a bit and knew that Maya would not give up on this idea. Maya was way too stubborn to give up on someone in need. "Okay... I will help you" He knew that Maya was going to ask if he could help

Maya smiled brightly at Sam and said "Great!"

Little Lion Man ➫; George WeasleyDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora