chapter four

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George woke up the next day and he groaned a bit as he got up. Getting up was the worst part of the day. He would have to brush his teeth and get ready for the day. He had covered the mirrors in the bathroom so he couldn't see himself. He had thought about dying his hair for a while but then decided that would be a bad idea.

He had put on a pot for tea , and he noticed a letter on the window side. After pouring his tea he went over to the window and picked up the letter. It was from Ron. "I will deal with this later" George mumbled to himself and put it on the kitchen table. He drank the rest of his tea and was about to brush his teeth when he heard a knock.

He opened the door and said "if you need sugar, I gave away my whole bag" He heard a laugh and he looked at who was at the door and it was Maya.

"Good morning neighbor" Maya said and she smiled happily. She was very awake and George was barely waking up.

George rubbed his eyes a bit and then softly said "Maya right? You borrowed sugar from me"

"Yep! And I really didn't need that whole bag of sugar, I can give you the bag back if you would like me too" Maya said, she has such a cheerful expression for being the morning.

"No.. no it's alright" George answered and shifted on his feet a bit and then said " you need flour or eggs'' He joked a bit, he had a bit of a grin on his face and then it disappeared as quickly as it came.

Maya chuckled a bit at George's joke and then said "I was wondering if you are doing anything? Would you like to get breakfast? Well at this time it would be brunch. I don't have to go to work today."

George looked over at his empty tea cup and Ron's letter and thought about what 'Fred' said, he then softly said "sure, I will be ready in a second" Maya nodded and he closed the door and went to get ready.

George put on some clean clothes, grabbed his jacket and grabbed some money. He had some muggle money and he stuck it in his pocket. Hermione had shown him what they all ment and how much each coin and bill equaled too. He breathed and softly said "you got this.. Just don't have a breakdown and you will be fine" He grabbed his keys and opened the door and smiled at Maya. "ready" and he locked his apartment and stuck the keys in his pockets.

"Great! I know this good place is about a five minutes walk from here" Maya smiled, as they walked down the stairs and she asked "why did you decide to move here?"

'My twin died in a war and was killed..' George had thought and he stuck his hands in his coat pocket and then responded with "just to get new experiences."

Maya nodded and smiled saying "well this is a good place to get some. The neighborhood is pretty nice. I have been living here for a few years. "

They got to the street and started to walk to the cafe. Maya was leading the way and George was following to keep up with her. He squinted his eyes a bit as he doesn't go outside very much.

Maya said 'so" she knew that she would have to be the one leading the conversation. "Tell me about yourself George." as she waved to someone on the street

"Um... what do you want to know?" George asked

"Anything you are willing to share," Maya said and smiled at him.

George was quiet for a moment and then said "can we just walk in silence before we get to the place?" Maya nodded a bit as they kept walking.

George just needed time to figure out what he was going to say. Obviously he was going to leave out the part where he can do magic and is a wizard with a magic wand. He knew he was going to be vague. 'I come from a big family, five brothers and one sister' George thought. 'She doesn't need to know about how my twin is dead.' He didn't want to put that on anyone.

Little Lion Man ➫; George WeasleyWhere stories live. Discover now