chapter one

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George Weasley was a twin. Fred and George. They were a pair act until Fred died by a wall exploding on him. After Fred's death, George barely could function as a human being. He moved back into the burrow and stayed in his room all day, he would only leave when he had to eat or go to the bathroom. After a few weeks of that, he left the wizarding world. Everything reminded him of Fred and he couldn't take it anymore. He told his mom and dad that he will be gone a bit and left.

He got a studio apartment in downtown London and has been living there ever since. It has been about a month. He pretty much still does the same things. He stays in the apartment and only goes out to get groceries and other necessitates. He had a pile of letters from his family sitting at the kitchen table. He was laying in bed and had the cover over him. He had been like this for the past two days. He thought back to his last conversation with his mother

Molly had opened the door to George's room and quietly had said "Georgie, come on. You haven't left your room in days. When was the last time you had eaten? We are all worried about you"

This was a few weeks after Fred's death and George was not coping well. He had just locked himself in his room and refused to leave. On most days George would just be under the bedsheets and refusing to leave his bed, but this time it was different. George was packing things in a suitcase and looked at Molly.

Before Molly could say anything George said "I can't stay here mom, everything reminds me of him and it's too hard"

"You can't just run away from this George" Molly said gently not wanting to upset George even further.

"Mom I just can't do this" George said, he wasn't looking at her as he packed his suitcase.

"We want to help you dear, your siblings, your father and I are worried about you. You haven't left your room in a while, only just to eat and go to the bathroom" Molly responded and tried to reason with him.

George closed the suitcase and refused to listen to her and he brushed past her saying "I can't do this mom" and he left the house quickly, ignoring his mother's cries to stay.

George shook that memory out of his head and he got out of his bed. He kept the curtains closed all the time and he only had one lamp on. He looked at the date and time, it was one pm, Tuesday, June sixteenth. He went to make himself a cup of coffee and he sat down on the kitchen table. He looked through the letters from his family. The first one was from Ron

'Dear, George,

When are you coming back home? mom has been worried sick. We all are.

We know you are grieving but we are all going through the same thing. You can't just hide from this. We all need to get through this together. Fred is dead and he isn't coming back.'

George crumbled up the letter before finishing it. He said to himself "yeah right... Going through the same thing, that is some type of joke. You didn't have to lose your other half."

During the past month, he had been talking to himself more recently. Sometimes he would talk to himself as he walked around and got groceries or went back to his apartment. He was sure that his neighbors thought he was bat shit crazy, but he didn't care. He threw Ron's letter in the trash. He looked at the pile of letters, next to it was his wand. He has not used magic in a while. It took a while to adapt to not using magic but at this point, he has gotten used to it. I looked through the rest of the letters. There were a couple more from Ron, a lot from Molly and Arthur, a couple from Bill, and a few more from Harry and Ginny.

He didn't even want to read them. He knew what they would say. He knew Ron would talk about how he should go home and about how everyone is grieving the loss of Fred. Ron would also write about how he should not give up on the shop because it was Fred and George's dream. George thought it was stupid writing that, he knew Ron was right that it was their dream but how could he continue the dream without his other half. He knew his mom and dad would write about how they miss him and how they are worried about him. Ginny and Harry wrote about how they miss him and how he should go home and open up the shop again. He put the letters down, not wanting to open them and not wanting to throw them away either.

George drank some of his coffee and looked at the calendar and ran his fingers through his hair. He was a mess, he would refuse to admit it but he was. He has been having this recurring nightmare that Fred would appear to him and say 'you could have saved me, why didn't you save me.'

The logical part of himself knew Fred would never say those things to him, but he wasn't thinking with logic this time. Before the battle, they had promised each other that they weren't going to leave each other's side, and the one time they did, Fred ended up dead. He could barely live with the guilt.

He poured himself some cereal and ate that before changing into clean pajamas and brushing his teeth. George tries to maintain a good hygienic routine. While he was brushing his teeth he heard a knock on the door and he spits out the toothpaste and walked to the door.

As he opened the door he said "Look I don't know how you found me but I don't want to go home-" He stopped talking as he saw who it was. It was his neighbor that lived down the hall.

"Um," She hesitated not knowing what to say to what George had just said. "I'm just here to ask if I can borrow some sugar"

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