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"He's not picking up. I'm literally about to call the cops."

"I'm sure he's fine. He does this a lot. Plus he likes being dramatic."

Dream grabs her shoulders. "Shay. It's been three days. He should've called by now. Or said anything. He's been offline on Discord too."

She runs a hand through her disheveled hair, " I shouldn't have come. It stressed him out so much he literally ran away from home. He ran away, Dream. HE RAN AWAY." Shay places her hands on the kitchen counter, lowering her head. "I'm gonna find an apartment. It's not gonna work out with me here. Tell Nick to come home. I'll go pack my stuff."

"Shay!" Dream yells as she walks up the stairs to pack her suitcases, "don't go! He's just being a baby, we can work this out." He chases after her as she packs her bags again for what seems like the 20th time in a year. She was so sick and tired of not belonging, being unwanted. Blocking the door so she couldn't just run away, he stood there with his arms crossed.

His phone vibrates in his pocket and Shay looks up at the noise.

"Someone's calling you. Is it Nick?"

Dream struggles to get the phone out, almost dropping it on her head. He gasps, "It's Nick!"

"Stop staring at it and pick up!"

"Okay! Okay. HELLO?"

"Hello? Dream?"

"Yeah, it's me, dickhead. You can't just disappear like that and not call me for three days. I've been calling nonstop since we came back and saw your note. Are you okay?"

"I'm fine. I just wanted to go to the beach. Sorry."

Dream sighs. "It's fine, whatever. Are you coming home soon? We're kind of having a... situation."

"What happened?"

"Shay is threatening to move out because she thinks you're uncomfortable about her being here, hence why you left. Please tell her otherwise."

"I mean she's not wrong. I left because I had a panic attack about her coming and us living together again. I just couldn't see her at that moment so I left."

"Oh. This is awkward then."

"But I'm fine now. Tell her to stay. I'll be on my way home soon. We'll talk then. Bye Dream."

"Okay, bye Sapnap. See you soon."

Shay was standing now, her hands on her hips, chewing on her nails. "Well? Is he alive?"

"He's fine, he's coming home. And he says to stop packing because you're staying."

She narrows her eyes at him. "Are you lying?"

"No! He said so himself. Please stay."

"I— okay. Fine. Only until he comes back and tells me the truth."

They sat in silence in the living room as they waited for Sapnap to come home. It was the first time since Shay's arrival that neither of them had something they wanted to say or share with each other. The front door unlocks, causing Dream and Shay to jump out of their seats, awkwardly standing in the middle of the house.


"We're in the living room!"

Sapnap walks in, approaching them slowly. It was like high school all over again, when he would sneak out and come home to his parents standing in the living room, waiting for him to climb through the window and get caught.

"Uh, what's going on?"

"Care to explain where you've been?" Dream crosses his arms like a disappointed dad. Which he kind of was in a way.

"Um," Sapnap pauses as he puts his backpack on the couch. "the beach?"

"Oh. Well, did you have fun?"

"It was... fine. Thanks for asking?"

Sapnap shifts his gaze from Dream to Shay, who quickly looked away when he met her eyes.

"Hey," he says softly like his voice would scare her away.


"I'm gonna give you guys a minute," Dream announces as he slips away into his bedroom, feeling the tension in the air.

"How have you been?" She asks.

"I've been okay. You can stay here, you know, I really don't mind. It'll be fun, like the old days," he smiles, hoping to grant her some reassurance.

"You're sure? I don't want you to regret it or feel like a stranger in your own home. It's not fair of me to just impose myself into your home."

He reaches out to hold her hands almost instinctively but shoves them in his pocket. "You're not a stranger. And you don't make me feel like a stranger. We're— we're friends. Yeah. It's totally cool. Besides, George will be coming soon? Plenty of room for us to hang out again. Like old times."

"Like old times," she repeats. "Mario kart then?"

"You're on."

Ummm hey :] sorry I've been on like hiatus but like college is so stressful. I'll try to update more!! I always say this but it never happens haha hope you're enjoying

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