Chapter 6e - How do I deal with having a mate?

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The nurse walked in while Mari and Shanna were still comforting each other. In her arms was a stack of towels and such, "I am going to get the bathroom ready for the two of you. I have plenty of towels, shampoo, and body wash. There is a brush and comb as well toothpaste and tooth brushes. When you are ready just go in. I will be back in a while so take your time." She walked in and a few minutes later walked out, "There is a chair in the shower for you Shanna if you need it." She looked at Mari. "Don't let her strain herself. Even though she has now found you she is weak and doesn't have a great deal of endurance. Mari your therapist is available if you need her. Once you are done with the shower let me know."

Both girls turned to the nurse when she came back out of the bathroom. Mari looked down even though she didn't move away from Shanna, "I will let you know when you come back." She wasn't sure she would be able to talk much about what happened with Shanna there. Even though Shanna hadn't indicated anything negative about what Mari had told her she simply didn't know if she could.

Since they were both so tired they simply nodded. Mari knew that much of her tiredness was because her wolf was giving Shanna energy. Sleep was the best way to deal with the energy drain. Once the nurse had walked out Mari gave Shanna one more light kiss. "Thank you for not being revolted or pitying me." She gave her a light hug before she let go and pulled out the shirts and panties to wear. "Back in a moment Shanna." Mari hurried into the bathroom and back out.

Shanna had moved to the edge of the bed by the time Mari was back out of the bathroom. Before Mari helped Shanna to stand she pulled Mari into a hug and leaned against her, "Mari you are my mate. I am saddened but pity you or be revolted? Never." She gave Mari another gentle kiss before letting Mari help her stand.

"Let me give you a hand Shanna. I would hate to have you fall over or something." Mari gave her a tense smile as she helped Shanna stand and wrapped her arm around Shanna's shoulder. They slowly walked to the bathroom and Mari blushed slightly as she turned away and stripped. She hadn't showered with anyone since she had been turned and it felt odd. That and it was making her slightly stressed. "Damn it this is harder than I thought it would be." Her voice was shaking slightly as she spoke.

Shanna had stripped down as well and could smell and sense her mate's reaction. She slowly moved toward Mari and rested her hands gently on her shoulders from behind, "I can see that Mari but I will never do something to make you uncomfortable or scared if possible. My cat has already made her opinion known to me and she wants to go and say hello to your parents." She had started lightly massaging Mari's shoulders.

Mari had to close her eyes when Shanna touched her shoulders. She couldn't stop the slight shudder of enjoyment of the contact either even though her fears were still there, "My wolf knows that Shanna and intellectually I know that. My emotions and that little bit of antique brain that we all have doesn't. I am damaged Shanna, I have been bent to the point of being broken. I didn't break by a hair. If Dan and Angie hadn't saved me when they did I would have been broken beyond repair." Mari had to drop her head as she admitted that. It had hurt admitting that to her therapist but to her mate it hurt even more.

When the comment about her parents hit she gave a rather malicious grunt, "No worries there. Dan took care of that issue. Don't know what he did, only that they died in horrible pain." Her shoulders tensed up as a low snarl came from her chest. Her wolf was starting to get worked up as usual when the subject of her parents came up.

Shanna moved forward and wrapped her arms around Mari from behind. She was careful to wrap them around her waist so they were away from her breasts or groin, "Good since my cat hates getting human blood on her claws. She says we have terrible diets." That was added to try and get Mari to smile a bit.

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